【2024年】十大Microsoft Azure DevOps課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!


【2024年】十大Microsoft Azure DevOps課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

本文章推薦「Getting started with DevOps using Azure DevOps & Docker」、「Beginners Course on Power BI with Azure DevOps (ADO)」、「Learn Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Microsoft Azure DevOps課程總覽
  2. Microsoft Azure DevOps課程介紹
  1. Getting started with DevOps using Azure DevOps & Docker
  2. Beginners Course on Power BI with Azure DevOps (ADO)
  3. Learn Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines
  4. Azure DevOps Fundamentals for Beginners
  5. Azure DevOps and AWS DevOps Masterclass 2 Course Bundle
  6. GIT and Visual Studio with Azure DevOps Repos for Developers
  7. CI/CD Pipelines using Azure DevOps
  8. Azure Devops Crash Course -Build CI/CD release pipelines
  9. Become an Azure DevOps Hero
  10. Learn To Build DevOps Pipeline On Azure Cloud
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Microsoft Azure DevOps課程總覽



評價 4.3 分
(621 個評分)
4.2 分
(215 個評分)
4.4 分
(1,386 個評分)
4.5 分
(9,961 個評分)
4.5 分
(219 個評分)
4.5 分
(1,818 個評分)
4.4 分
(1,000 個評分)
4.5 分
(788 個評分)
4.5 分
(416 個評分)
4.4 分
(253 個評分)
學生 46,047 人人 45,332 人人 40,738 人人 39,546 人人 27,940 人人 7,872 人人 6,370 人人 6,090 人人 2,037 人人 1,732 人人
課程描述Learn how to use VSTS to create CI/CD pipelines that builds and publishes a Docker image from Docker Hub to AzureBasic Course which shows you step by step approach to connect your Azure DevOps data from Power BICreate CI/CD pipelines for Java, .NET, NodeJs, Docker, Terraform, Nuget, Xamarin, SQL Server and ARM templatesLearn How to Plan, Manage, and Deploy Your Very First Azure DevOps Application Through Hands-On Demos and Use Cases!Best of both worlds. Learn Azure and AWS DevOps and build pipelines. DevOps and Agile basics in this 2 in 1 bundleStep by Step, easy way for developers to get started with Azure Repos, GIT and Visual StudioCreate end-to-end DevOps pipelines using the Azure DevOps PlatformStep by step Tutorial to understand CI/CD pipelines ,Release activities, Docker, Code Repos, Project Boards, in AzureInfrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration & Deployment all on the new Azure DevOps platformMaster DevOps on cloud and automate your development pipeline

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Microsoft Azure DevOps課程列表

您可以從下面資訊進一步瞭解Microsoft Azure DevOps課程的價錢與最優惠的折扣、Microsoft Azure DevOps課程的特色以及Microsoft Azure DevOps課程介紹,發掘其他人同樣有興趣的產品還有哪些,期望您能找到滿意的!

Getting started with DevOps using Azure DevOps & Docker

Learn how to use VSTS to create CI/CD pipelines that builds and publishes a Docker image from Docker Hub to Azure

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課程老師Houssem Dellai
課程評價4.3 分(621 個評分)
學生人數46,047 人


Docker and DevOps tools are becoming essential requirements in today’s software development. Developers could feel the urge to learn it and students should be prepared for it from now. If you hear lots of talks about these two technologies and you ha



  • Software developers using .NET Core
  • Software developers who wants to start using Docker
  • Software developers who wants to start using DevOps


  • Create an entire CI/CD pipeline in VSTS
  • Creating Docker images
  • Working with Docker Hub to store and download images
  • Creating multiple environments: Dev, Staging and Production
  • Create and publish a docker image to Azure Web App for Containers

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Beginners Course on Power BI with Azure DevOps (ADO)

Basic Course which shows you step by step approach to connect your Azure DevOps data from Power BI

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課程老師Santosh Pothnak
課程評價4.2 分(215 個評分)
學生人數45,332 人


Course covers different steps to connect to your Azure DevOps Data from Power BI and create reports on top of it. Also you will see couple of extensions that will be helpful for your reporting. This course is targeted to Project Managers and Scrum ma



  • Employees or Project Managers who work on Azure Devops to Manage there projects.
  • IT Professionals , IT Managers , Analysts , Software Professionals , Software Managers, Project Managers, Scrum Masters , Agile Method Users


  • The Students will learn the basics on how to fetch the data from Azure Devops using Power BI Desktop Tool.
  • Power BI with Azure DevOps
  • Sample Timeline View Report using Gantt Chart

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Learn Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines

Create CI/CD pipelines for Java, .NET, NodeJs, Docker, Terraform, Nuget, Xamarin, SQL Server and ARM templates

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課程老師Houssem Dellai
課程評價4.4 分(1,386 個評分)
學生人數40,738 人


Are you a developer and you want to learn more about DevOps ?

Are you looking for a practical guide to get you started with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment ?

Are you working on Web, Mobile, Container or Database projects and you wa



  • Developers who wants to get started with implementing DevOps


  • What is DevOps and CI/CD
  • Creating CI/CD pipelines for Web, Mobile and Container apps
  • Including the Database into the pipelines
  • Configure deployment to Azure Cloud
  • Run unit, functional and load tests as part of the pipeline
  • Analyse source code using Sonar
  • Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) from CI/CD with ARM templates
  • Use Configuration as Code (CaC) in Azure DevOps
  • Create Dev-Test-Prod environments
  • Secure the pipelines sensitive data
  • Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) from CI/CD with Terraform

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Azure DevOps Fundamentals for Beginners

Learn How to Plan, Manage, and Deploy Your Very First Azure DevOps Application Through Hands-On Demos and Use Cases!

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課程老師Brian Culp
課程評價4.5 分(9,961 個評分)
學生人數39,546 人


Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, Tesla, Workday… what do all these great companies have in common?

They all use DevOps to continuously build and release software. (Don’t take my word for it; stop reading now and go put “devops” into a LinkedIn job



  • IT professionals who have heard the term DevOps, but want some hands-on experience
  • Project managers and Product Owners who want to oversee a CI/CD workflow
  • System operations personnel who want to leverage DevOps tools into their deployments
  • Developers who want to understand the possibilities of code deployment with DevOps


  • Create an Azure DevOps organization
  • Align Azure DevOps work items using Agile, Scrum, or Basic work processes
  • Integrate an Azure DevOps code repository with GitHub
  • Fork and clone code using multiple tools
  • Understand the basic vocabulary of DevOps: what it is and why it matters
  • CI/CD: Understand how Pipelines facilitate Continuous Implementation and Continuous Deployment
  • Commit code changes and track Pull Requests
  • Push a code Repo from the command line of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

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Azure DevOps and AWS DevOps Masterclass 2 Course Bundle

Best of both worlds. Learn Azure and AWS DevOps and build pipelines. DevOps and Agile basics in this 2 in 1 bundle

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課程老師Qasim Shah
課程評價4.5 分(219 個評分)
學生人數27,940 人


The best of both worlds. Azure DevOps and AWS DevOps Masterclass 2 Course Bundle

Learn Microsoft Azure DevOps and AWS DevOps in this 2 course bundle Masterclass.

The Azure DevOps and AWS DevOps Masterclass 2 in 1 Bundle is for IT professionals and



  • IT professionals who have heard the term DevOps, but want some hands-on experience
  • Project managers and Product Owners who want to oversee a CI/CD workflow
  • System operations personnel who want to leverage DevOps tools into their deployments
  • Developers who want to understand the possibilities of code deployment with DevOps


  • Managing dev teams using Azure Boards
  • Mapping work items to your organization’s Agile or Scrum processes
  • Setting up Git-based workflows in Azure Repos
  • Creating CI/CD pipelines
  • Building code every time a commit is saved to a Master branch
  • Performing tests of code using Azure Test Plans
  • Connecting to existing code repos in GitHub

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GIT and Visual Studio with Azure DevOps Repos for Developers

Step by Step, easy way for developers to get started with Azure Repos, GIT and Visual Studio

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課程老師Patrick Videos
課程評價4.5 分(1,818 個評分)
學生人數7,872 人


Move your source control to the Microsoft cloud. This video is the quickest and easiest way to learn to use Azure DevOps Repos with GIT and Visual Studio. The step by step instruction will show you how to effectively use GIT for local version control



  • Beginner Visual Studio developers


  • Learn source control using Microsoft Azure DevOps Repos with GIT and Visual Studio

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CI/CD Pipelines using Azure DevOps

Create end-to-end DevOps pipelines using the Azure DevOps Platform

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課程老師Charles Aylward
課程評價4.4 分(1,000 個評分)
學生人數6,370 人


This course is designed to take step by step instructions, demonstrations and Labs to create and configure CI/CD Pipelines using the Azure DevOps platform.

The following sections are available in this course:

Introduction to DevOps (Fundamentals)



  • Any Developer who wants to learn Azure DevOps
  • IT Operations who wants to learn Azure DevOps
  • QA Testers who wants to learn Azure DevOps
  • Any IT role who wants to learn Azure DevOps


  • End-to-end CI/CD Pipelines using the Azure DevOps platform
  • Deploy to Azure Cloud App Service and Azure Container Registry
  • Branching and Source Control using GIT and Azure Repos Git
  • How to use Visual Studio Code for check-in code to Git and Azure Repos Git
  • Configure the CI/Build Integration pipeline on Azure DevOps
  • Configure the CD/Release pipeline on Azure DevOps
  • Automated Unit testing using xUnit
  • Automated Deployment using Docker Images
  • How to secure your DevOps pipelines using DevSecOps
  • Promote development to QA using post-deployment and post-deployment conditions
  • Theory and demonstration on Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Quick Introduction to IaC tools such as Terraform, Ansible and Chef
  • Quick Introduction to scripting tools such as PowerShell and Python
  • Develop a Web Application using ASPNET Core 3.1
  • How to use YAML files on Azure DevOps

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Azure Devops Crash Course -Build CI/CD release pipelines

Step by step Tutorial to understand CI/CD pipelines ,Release activities, Docker, Code Repos, Project Boards, in Azure

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Rahul Shetty
課程評價4.5 分(788 個評分)
學生人數6,090 人


***********Azure Devops- One of the Most Buzzing keyword in the 2021 Software Industry*****************
This tutorial will bring your wish of Azure Devops learning to reality with Top class 6 hours training with real time examples.
Course starts from



  • Software Engineers
  • Devops Freshers
  • QA Software Testers


  • By end of this course, You will understand how deployments happen with Azure Devops
  • You will get real time experience in building CI/CD Pipelines for App Dev code and Test Automation Projects
  • Understand how to create Docker Images using Azure Pipelines Yaml files
  • Thorough understanding of Release Management Activities from end to end prod Deployments
  • Complete knowledge on how to use Azure portal for Project Boards , Work Items, Sprint Planning, Backlog items
  • Understanding Azure Repositories , Branches , Pull request reviews and Integration of branch code to Work items
  • Detailed information on how to deploy App code into Local Window Agents and Azure hosted resources

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Become an Azure DevOps Hero

Infrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration & Deployment all on the new Azure DevOps platform

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課程老師Jamie Mack
課程評價4.5 分(416 個評分)
學生人數2,037 人


Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using Azure DevOps! 

This course isn’t just a bunch of theory on how we think you should deploy software; there are no power point slides.  This is a hands on deep dive into how to deploy a three tier



  • Software developers who want to learn how to reduce their time to market by using DevOps principles to deploy their software automatically


  • Learn DevOps principles in a practical setting instead of just listening to theory
  • Learn how to deploy Platform as a Service (Paas) services to Azure as Infrastructure as Code
  • Learn how to deploy SQL Azure databases, .net core API’s and React JS using Azure DevOps to Azure
  • Learn how to setup approval gates for deployments and how to defer a release for when you are asleep

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Learn To Build DevOps Pipeline On Azure Cloud

Master DevOps on cloud and automate your development pipeline

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課程老師Eduonix Learning Solutions
課程評價4.4 分(253 個評分)
學生人數1,732 人


Build a strong foundation on cloud and devops using our unique training program.

Companies are now looking to hire DevOps and Azure architects that can help them build development process and design better apps and software, faster and in a more sop



  • Anyone who wants to build a devops pipeline on cloud should take this course


  • Learn to setup devops pipeline on Azure
  • Learn technologies such as VSTS and Kubernetes
  • Learn core concepts of Azure dev tools
  • Learn about containers and orchestration technologies

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