【2024年】十大3D 列印課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!


【2024年】十大3D 列印課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

本文章推薦「Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360」、「Autodesk Inventor 2020 Complete Beginners Course」、「3D Printing: From Start to Finish」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. 3D 列印課程總覽
  2. 3D 列印課程介紹
  1. Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360
  2. Autodesk Inventor 2020 Complete Beginners Course
  3. 3D Printing: From Start to Finish
  4. Fusion 360 for 3D Printing – Creating Curved Bodies
  5. Start 3D Printing at Home – Even Without a 3D Printer!
  6. 3D printer programming using G-Code
  7. 3D Printing For Beginners
  8. 3D Printing Quickstart with SketchUp Make
  9. Learn 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing)
  10. 初学者的3D打印课程 | 向一位德国工程师学习3D打印
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3D 列印課程總覽



評價 4.6 分
(5,863 個評分)
4.7 分
(125 個評分)
4.5 分
(337 個評分)
4.8 分
(344 個評分)
4.4 分
(66 個評分)
4.5 分
(123 個評分)
4.4 分
(84 個評分)
4.5 分
(80 個評分)
4.3 分
(69 個評分)
4.8 分
(3 個評分)
學生 19,809 人人 2,273 人人 2,153 人人 2,124 人人 1,326 人人 524 人人 489 人人 363 人人 292 人人 20 人人
課程描述Learn to design for 3D printing with my easy to follow video lessons using Fusion 360Learn to use this great software for mechanical design and 3D printingCreate awesome 3D prints and finish them so they shineLearn to model curved bodies while designing a Wonder Woman Tiara. Learn how to optimize your models for 3D Printing.Learn how to use 3D printing to invent, design and 3D print your own cool stuff, even without owning a 3D printer!Learn the programming language that 3D printers read – solve issues, split and join G Code files and much more!Everything you need to know before you get a 3d printer OR when you first get one.Learn tips and tricks in SketchUp Make to get you up and running in the world of 3D printing!a simplified explanation for understanding and creating 3D printed objects初学者的实用指南。简单地解释一下,就可以立即开始进入3D打印的世界!

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Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360

Learn to design for 3D printing with my easy to follow video lessons using Fusion 360

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Vladimir Mariano
課程評價4.6 分(5,863 個評分)
學生人數19,809 人


The real magic in 3D printing happens when you are able to create your own designs.  We will learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to design ten practical and functional products that can be 3D printed.  Each lesson will build on the prior to introduc



  • Designers, tinkerers, hobbyists, artists and anyone looking to learn how to design their own models for 3D printing


  • Learn the skills to design your own models for 3D printing using Autodesk Fusion 360, a very powerful and free software for 3D design.

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Autodesk Inventor 2020 Complete Beginners Course

Learn to use this great software for mechanical design and 3D printing

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課程老師Mike Freeman
課程評價4.7 分(125 個評分)
學生人數2,273 人


Learn to design your own parts and machines with Autodesk Inventor. Whether it’s for 3D printing, mechanical design or woodworking Inventor is the perfect software to design in 3D. Inventor is used all over the world by professionals to design everyt



  • Beginners with no or little experience
  • Anyone that would like to learn to model for 3D printing
  • Mechanical Engineering Students


  • A thorough understanding of Autodesk Inventor for complete beginners
  • A Thorough foundation in Inventor Basic Modelling Skills
  • Outputting Designs for 3D Printing
  • Creating Mechanical Assemblies
  • Dimensioning & Annotating Drawings

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3D Printing: From Start to Finish

Create awesome 3D prints and finish them so they shine

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課程老師Kevin Volo
課程評價4.5 分(337 個評分)
學生人數2,153 人


3D printing is magical! You take a file, or create your own, send it to your printer and after some time you have an actual solid object. It reminds me of something from the Jetsons. In this course you will learn all stages of 3D printing, from its h



  • Anyone interested in learning about 3D printing
  • Artists, designers or Makers who are interesting in learning new techniques in 3d Printing
  • Cosplay makers and hobbyists interested in 3d Printing


  • Choose the right FDM 3D printer for your needs
  • Understand how a FDM 3D printer works
  • Use “slicing” software to create great 3d Prints
  • Create great 3D prints
  • Finish and paint your 3D prints and make them look awesome
  • Resources to awesome free 3D files for your 3D printer

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Fusion 360 for 3D Printing – Creating Curved Bodies

Learn to model curved bodies while designing a Wonder Woman Tiara. Learn how to optimize your models for 3D Printing.

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Vladimir Mariano
課程評價4.8 分(344 個評分)
學生人數2,124 人


In this course we cover some useful methods for creating curved bodies.  We learn how to reference a sphere in order to create a curved extrusion.  We briefly jump into the Patch environment and learn how to make a custom surface from two spline curv



  • Anyone interested in developing their skills in Autodesk Fusion 360
  • Anyone wanting to learn how to optimize their designs for 3D printing


  • Apply skills necessary to design custom curved geometry in their models
  • Apply useful skills in preparing models for 3D printing
  • Apply post processing techniques to their 3D prints for a finished look

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Start 3D Printing at Home – Even Without a 3D Printer!

Learn how to use 3D printing to invent, design and 3D print your own cool stuff, even without owning a 3D printer!

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Jason King
課程評價4.4 分(66 個評分)
學生人數1,326 人


If you’re interested in 3D printing but haven’t even purchased a printer yet, this course is made for you. A few years ago I took the plunge and bought myself a 3D printer. Since then I’ve been teaching other people about 3D printing at home. 




  • This course is for complete 3D printing beginners who are curious about what’s involved in buying and using a 3D printer for home use
  • This course is not for people who already know a lot about 3D printing


  • Choose a 3D printer which suits you
  • Start 3D printing your own amazing stuff at home
  • Design and print high quality products
  • Make some money from this 3D printing revolution
  • Outsource your 3D printing cheaply, so you don’t even need to buy a 3D printer
  • Have the knowledge and confidence to become involved in this great technology

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3D printer programming using G-Code

Learn the programming language that 3D printers read – solve issues, split and join G Code files and much more!

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課程老師Marc Cronin
課程評價4.5 分(123 個評分)
學生人數524 人


Do you own a 3D printer and want to become an expert?

Maybe your printer is not working as you expect and need to be able to read the gcode file to check for errors when your slicer program writes the file.

To have a true understanding of how 3D pr



  • Printer owners that are looking to enhance their knowledge of the language it reads
  • Solve issues quickly by deciphering the commands that your 3D printer reads


  • Have a full understanding of the G-Code language that 3D printers read
  • Split and Join programs so parts can be printed at separate times
  • Problem shoot issues at the program level
  • Become an expert with your 3D printer

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3D Printing For Beginners

Everything you need to know before you get a 3d printer OR when you first get one.

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課程老師Nikko Mendoza
課程評價4.4 分(84 個評分)
學生人數489 人


Welcome to the world of 3D printing. In this 3D printing course we’ll be going over the basics of the 3D printing world. This course is designed for beginners to gain an understanding of how a 3D printer works, and the process of going from a blank 3



  • Anyone who’s interested in 3D printing
  • Anyone who’s purchased their first 3D printer
  • Anyone who wants to buy a 3D printer


  • Design their own 3D models in TinkerCAD
  • Master proper “slicing” software settings for best print results
  • Effectively level their print bed
  • Set up their printer for proper first layer adhesion
  • Use “slicing” software for 3D printing at a basic level
  • Find free ready-made files to download and print themselves
  • Get recommendations on which printer and “slicing” software to start with

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3D Printing Quickstart with SketchUp Make

Learn tips and tricks in SketchUp Make to get you up and running in the world of 3D printing!

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Jared Murphy
課程評價4.5 分(80 個評分)
學生人數363 人


I wish I could convey to you the feeling I get when I hold a physical object in my hand
that was conceived in my mind a few hours prior. Human beings were designed with
an innate desire to create, invent, and solve problems, and 3D printing technolog



  • This course is best for creative, motivated learners who enjoy exploring, building, making, and designing!
  • This course is designed for beginners that have good basic computer skills. Students as young as 10 years old have been successful with this material.
  • No prior knowledge of 3D design or CAD is required.
  • This course is not the best course for learning the complete ins and outs of SketchUp software. The focus is on using this software to create models for 3D printing.


  • Create a custom work of art that you can hold in your hand! I will give you information on where to have your parts printed, and can even print and send your part to you myself at a discounted price.
  • Apply the tools and features in SketchUp Make to the creation of 3D CAD models.
  • Create 3D models in an efficient way that will be suitable for printing on a 3D printer.
  • Recognize models that are created with 3D printing in mind and will be able to fix common mistakes found in many STL files.
  • Identify and prevent trouble “overhangs” that keep many 3D models from being printable.
  • Design and build proper support structures to aid in 3D printing.
  • Locate places online and locally where you can print your 3D models.

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Learn 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing)

a simplified explanation for understanding and creating 3D printed objects

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Dr. Rauf Tailony
課程評價4.3 分(69 個評分)
學生人數292 人


Additive manufacturing (AM) as known as 3D printing, is a technology that reached the consumers market in recent years and started to be used in application on the individual and industry levels. Although the additive manufacturing technologies are e



  • Professionals, Engineering students, and 3D printing hobbyist.


  • The Goal is to understand the production span of additive manufacturing, from the design level to the final part, and be able to apply additive manufacturing in real-world engineering applications. Understand the basic additive manufacturing processes, and the limitations and advantages of each process. Differentiating between traditional processes and additive manufacturing production.

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初学者的3D打印课程 | 向一位德国工程师学习3D打印


點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師M.Eng. Johannes Wild
課程評價4.8 分(3 個評分)
學生人數20 人


学习3D打印 – 初学者的实用指南









  • 3D打印初学者、新手、用户和对技术感兴趣的人


  • 打印很酷的物体:从文件到完成的物体一步一步来
  • 3D打印机购买指南(包括廉价机型的提示)
  • 它是如何工作的:处理你自己的FDM 3D打印机
  • FDM 3D打印机的基本设置
  • 处理3D打印机的软件:切片(Cura, Meshmixer)
  • 理论:关于3D打印的一般知识
  • 丝材和材料
  • 三维扫描:专业产品和家庭使用的低成本方法
  • 切片程序(Cura)中的高级软件设置
  • 3D打印更复杂的物体并应用特殊功能

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