【2024年】十大Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!


【2024年】十大Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

本文章推薦「Google Analytics Reports and Dashboards with Data Studio」、「Advanced Google Analytics course + 77 practical questions」、「Google Analytics 4 for Beginners – New Google Analytics」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程總覽
  2. Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程介紹
  1. Google Analytics Reports and Dashboards with Data Studio
  2. Advanced Google Analytics course + 77 practical questions
  3. Google Analytics 4 for Beginners – New Google Analytics
  4. Google Analytics for Beginners – Zero to Hero
  5. Google Analytics reports in Google spreadsheets
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Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程總覽



評價 4.5 分
(2,050 個評分)
4.4 分
(402 個評分)
4.3 分
(293 個評分)
4.5 分
(93 個評分)
4.4 分
(15 個評分)
學生 6,864 人人 3,886 人人 1,485 人人 462 人人 222 人人
課程描述Learn to Create your own Custom Google Analytics Dashboards in minutes with Google Data StudioGoogle Analytics course covering slightly advanced topics such as assisted conversions, attribution or custom reports.Start using the latest version of Google Analytics Reports called GA4 with confidenceGoogle Analytics Training – Beginners Guide to GA Reports and their Application for Web Analytics and Digital MarketingLearn how to extract the data from Google Analytics, manipulate it and build the reports in Google spreadsheets

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Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程列表

您可以從下面資訊進一步瞭解Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程的價錢與最優惠的折扣、Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程的特色以及Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程介紹,發掘其他人同樣有興趣的產品還有哪些,期望您能找到滿意的!

Google Analytics Reports and Dashboards with Data Studio

Learn to Create your own Custom Google Analytics Dashboards in minutes with Google Data Studio

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Ian Littlejohn
課程評價4.5 分(2,050 個評分)
學生人數6,864 人


Recent reviews:

“Thanks, it was well presented and at a good pace. Examples and practical activities relevant too.”

“Very concise examples. Great Practice exercises. And the pace is just right – video not too long or too short.”

“This course helpe



  • Google Analytics users, Online Marketers, Web Site Administrators and other users who need to report from Google Analytics data


  • Create POWERFUL Google Analytics Dashboards in minutes
  • Lifetime access to course materials and practice activities for an experienced, top-rated Udemy instructor
  • Learn how to setup and configure the free Google Data Studio
  • Create powerful filters to ask QUESTIONS of your Google Analytics data
  • Create a connection to Google Analytics Data
  • Learn how to use Scorecards to display KEY METRICS and compare to previous periods
  • Create EFFECTIVE Time Series graphs to understand the trends within your data
  • Create effective Tables that displays Key MEASURES and COMPARISONS
  • Create effective GEOGRAPHICAL analysis to displays MAPS of your data

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Advanced Google Analytics course + 77 practical questions

Google Analytics course covering slightly advanced topics such as assisted conversions, attribution or custom reports.

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Pavel Brecik
課程評價4.4 分(402 個評分)
學生人數3,886 人


The course follows the previous one “Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples” and is designed for all of you who already spent some time in Google Analytics and want to enrich your current knowledge. I assume you know how the session



  • Google Analytics users who already know a bit more than how interface looks like :).


  • A bit advanced Google Analytics concepts such as assisted conversions and calculated metrics
  • How attribution works in general and that it’s not only about traffic sources
  • What are scopes and why their knowledge is fundamental
  • How events work and which ones makes sense to use
  • Many custom things like reports, dimensions, metrics, channel grouping and alerts
  • How regular expressions can save time and how to easily automate reports outside GA
  • Sessions and clicks are completely different metrics

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Google Analytics 4 for Beginners – New Google Analytics

Start using the latest version of Google Analytics Reports called GA4 with confidence

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Anil Batra
課程評價4.3 分(293 個評分)
學生人數1,485 人


Google Analytics 4 For Beginners – New Google Analytics. Google Analytics 4 is the new free version of Google Analytics.  This is the course that will help you with correctly understanding Google Analytics 4 reports.

Start using the latest version o



  • Beginners who want to learn Google Analytics
  • People new to Google Analytics
  • Marketing Managers


  • Google Analytics 4
  • Google Analytics New Version

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Google Analytics for Beginners – Zero to Hero

Google Analytics Training – Beginners Guide to GA Reports and their Application for Web Analytics and Digital Marketing

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Anil Batra
課程評價4.5 分(93 個評分)
學生人數462 人


Google Analytics has become an integral part of Business and Marketing in most of the organizations. Having the right level of knowledge of Google Analytics will help stay ahead of the others in your organization.

In this course, you will learn how



  • Anyone who wants to Learn Google Analytics
  • Anyone who wants to measure the effectiveness of their digital marketing
  • Digital Marketers who wants to track the success of their marketing campaigns using Google Analytics


  • Effectively navigate Google Analytics reports
  • Demystify the common Digital Analytics terms and Google Analytics terms
  • Get Hands on Training with a Google Analytics eCommerce Demo Account
  • Track the Success of Your Marketing Campaigns in Google Analytics
  • Understand Account Hierarchy and Structure in Google Analytics
  • Learn how to setup Goals in Google Analytics
  • Track non-page view actions such as video views, downloads etc. in Google Analytics
  • Google Analytics 101 to Google Analytics reports mastery

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Google Analytics reports in Google spreadsheets

Learn how to extract the data from Google Analytics, manipulate it and build the reports in Google spreadsheets

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Pavel Brecik
課程評價4.4 分(15 個評分)
學生人數222 人


The goal of this course is to show you how easy it is to extract the data from Google Analytics into Google spreadsheet and automate the reporting. We’ll start from the very basics and go through 7 practical dashboards, which will show you the possib



  • Everyone who is regularly creating Google Analytics reports
  • GA users who spend more than 1 hour a week by manually creating a report from Google Analytics data


  • How to build reports based on Google Analytics data in Google spreadsheets from scratch
  • Google Analytics data automation in spreadsheets
  • How to access Google Analytics data outside GA interface
  • You’ll get access to 7 practical dashboards you can instantly start using
  • Joining the data impossible to join in Google Analytics interface
  • How to save time and avoid repetitive manual reporting

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【2024年】十大Google Analytics (分析) 報告課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

