


本文章推薦「The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course」、「Kotlin for Android O Development: From Beginner to Advanced」、「Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Kotlin課程總覽
  2. Kotlin課程介紹
  1. The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
  2. Kotlin for Android O Development: From Beginner to Advanced
  3. Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin
  4. The Complete Android 10 & Kotlin Development Masterclass
  5. Kotlin for Java Developers
  6. Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin
  7. Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced
  8. Kotlin for Android & Java Developers: Clean Code on Android
  9. 從零開始學 Kotlin 程式設計 – 零基礎開發 Android APP 應用程式
  10. 學活之路: Java 與 Kotlin
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評價 4.2 分
(7,171 個評分)
4.5 分
(1,506 個評分)
4.4 分
(4,945 個評分)
4.5 分
(4,092 個評分)
4.5 分
(2,693 個評分)
4.6 分
(2,953 個評分)
4.1 分
(2,660 個評分)
4.5 分
(1,291 個評分)
4.5 分
(150 個評分)
4.8 分
(80 個評分)
學生 145,814 人人 66,354 人人 33,550 人人 20,004 人人 15,826 人人 13,310 人人 13,154 人人 6,242 人人 692 人人 265 人人
課程描述Learn how to build 17 online games, and apps for Android Q, like Pokémon , twitter,Tic Tac Toe, and notepad using KotlinLearn coding and designing Android apps with Kotlin while building real app examples like Instagram and Foursquare cloneLearn Kotlin Android App Development And Become an Android Developer. Incl. Kotlin Tutorial and Android Tutorial VideosLearn Android 10 App Development From Beginner to Advanced Developer. Build Apps like Trello, 7Min Workout, Weather AppUse your Java skills to learn Kotlin fast. Enhance career prospects and master Kotlin, including Java interoperabilityLearn Kotlin from scratch! Grasp object-orientation and idiomatic Kotlin to realize coding projects and Android apps!Kotlin is an expressive, concise & powerful development language on Android. Learn everything you need to know to startBecome a professional Kotlin developer and write cleaner code in your Android apps than in Java, avoid boilerplate code使用 Kotlin 開發 Android APP 最佳指南,Kotlin 程式語言基礎入門課程Kotlin 正火紅,用對方法可以更快學活兩種程式語言 – 懂程式不夠,還要會活用,學活它才是重點

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The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course

Learn how to build 17 online games, and apps for Android Q, like Pokémon , twitter,Tic Tac Toe, and notepad using Kotlin

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課程老師Dr. Hussein Alrubaye
課程評價4.2 分(7,171 個評分)
學生人數145,814 人


In this course you will learn how to make 17 online games, and apps for Android, using Kotlin. There are  more than 95k+ happy students enrolled in this course already. 

Bellow is list of open source Apps that we build in tutorial

Find My Age Ap



  • This course is designed for anyone looking to learn how to build Android Apps with Kotlin


  • Build Your First Mobile App with Kotlin
  • Apply to jr. Android development jobs
  • Build real-world Android apps like Twitter,Facebook, My Notes, Find my phone, media-player, Calculator, find my age, find sunrise time and Alarm
  • Build online games, like Pokémon, play tic tac toe online with friends.
  • Work with New Firebase from Google and Web services (RESTful API calls)
  • Work with sqlite Database and SharedPreferences.
  • connect Android to PHP web services and MySQL database.
  • Work with user location and maps
  • Design amazing layout using Style, Color,Shape, Menu and ConstraintLayout
  • Work with camera and other hardwares, like light sensor to run music when light on and Accelerometer sensor
  • How to avoid reverse engineering (Reskin) for your app
  • Make app that support Supporting Different Screens, and different languages
  • Use system service like BroadcastReceive, Services, and Alarm
  • Understand the programming foundation
  • Understand the programming logic, condition and control
  • Understand the OOP in Kotlin
  • Use collections, And what is the better place to use collection

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Kotlin for Android O Development: From Beginner to Advanced

Learn coding and designing Android apps with Kotlin while building real app examples like Instagram and Foursquare clone

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課程老師Atil Samancioglu
課程評價4.5 分(1,506 個評分)
學生人數66,354 人


Do you have an idea for an application, but you just don’t know where to start? 

Or maybe you have some programming experience, but you just need a little help. 

Then our Complete Kotlin Course is for you! 

We are looking for students eager to lea



  • This course is for you if you are looking to learn Androids newest programming language, Kotlin!
  • This course is for students who want to have the freedom of creating their own amazing apps from scratch!
  • This course is also for you if you have app experience and want to learn some more advanced concepts!
  • This course is for you if you are a student looking to acquire app skills and earn thousands of dollars creating applications


  • By the end of our course, you will be able to create professional applications and submit them to the play store from scratch!
  • You will also have the skills of a professional developer who can earn thousands of dollars creating applications

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Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin

Learn Kotlin Android App Development And Become an Android Developer. Incl. Kotlin Tutorial and Android Tutorial Videos

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課程老師Tim Buchalka
課程評價4.4 分(4,945 個評分)
學生人數33,550 人


What do you get in this course?

In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. You’ll also have a head start over other developers



  • This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous programming experience.
  • However, if you’re already an expert Android Kotlin programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
  • Existing Android Java Programmers who want to transition to Kotlin for Android app development.


  • Learn the core Android app development and Kotlin skills to build real Android apps.
  • Learn how to target current and older versions of Android when writing your apps.
  • Understand how to create Android apps using Kotlin.
  • Be able to apply for Android app development roles.

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The Complete Android 10 & Kotlin Development Masterclass

Learn Android 10 App Development From Beginner to Advanced Developer. Build Apps like Trello, 7Min Workout, Weather App

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課程老師Denis Panjuta
課程評價4.5 分(4,092 個評分)
學生人數20,004 人


So you want to become an Android developer and work from anywhere in the world, or maybe even the same place you’re currently at, but with much more interesting and well-paying jobs? Learning Android App development is the way to go.

You have a grea



  • If you have an idea for an App, then take this course.
  • If you want to quit your job and work as a developer from anywhere in the world, e.g. a beautiful beach, then take this course
  • If you have no idea about programming and want to get started, then this course is for you.
  • If you don’t want to waste any time becoming a developer, this is the right fast track course for you.


  • You can build any Android app you can think of. No matter if it is an idea that you or your friends have, or if it is a contract job that you need to develop.
  • You will build Apps for your portfolio to apply for jr. Android developer Jobs.
  • You’ll be able to work as an Android freelancer and work from anywere in the world.
  • Publish your apps on Google Play and generate revenue with Google Pay and Google Ads
  • You’ll be able to develop cloud apps using Google Firebase
  • You will be very confident using Kotlin and programming in general

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Kotlin for Java Developers

Use your Java skills to learn Kotlin fast. Enhance career prospects and master Kotlin, including Java interoperability

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課程老師Tim Buchalka
課程評價4.5 分(2,693 個評分)
學生人數15,826 人


Are you a Java developer wondering if you need to learn Kotlin?

Maybe you are an experienced Java developer who wants to learn Kotlin quickly, to be prepared for future project work.

Perhaps instead, you’re an Android app developer who knows Java w



  • Java programmers wanting to learn Kotlin


  • Create Kotlin programs
  • Understand the differences between Java and Kotlin
  • Understand how Java and Kotlin programs interoperate

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Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin

Learn Kotlin from scratch! Grasp object-orientation and idiomatic Kotlin to realize coding projects and Android apps!

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課程老師Peter Sommerhoff
課程評價4.6 分(2,953 個評分)
學生人數13,310 人


>> This is the only Udemy course that is referenced from the official Kotlin website as well as the official Android developers website for people who want to learn Kotlin, whether for Android or other purposes!

>> Learn programming in Kotlin, the m



  • You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch and slowly make our way to intermediate and more advanced topics
  • You should be excited to learn an awesome new programming language!
  • You will need basic skills in handling a PC, so you should know how to install and run applications on your computer.
  • Android developers who want to get started with Kotlin


  • Create professional applications using Kotlin, the new Java-based programming language developed by Jetbrains
  • Understand the concepts of the Kotlin language and how it integrates neatly with Java
  • Understand the basics of object-oriented software development, the most important development paradigm
  • Understand the principles behind other object-oriented languages like Java, C++, PHP, C#, Scala, or Swift
  • Use Intellij, the popular Java (and Kotlin) IDE, to write code effectively and professionally
  • Read code and write your Kotlin code as well

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Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced

Kotlin is an expressive, concise & powerful development language on Android. Learn everything you need to know to start

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課程老師Devslopes by Mark Wahlbeck
課程評價4.1 分(2,660 個評分)
學生人數13,154 人



Welcome to the world’s most comprehensive course on Kotlin for Android development. Whether your a developer coming from Java, or have NO Android experience, we start from the ground up and teach you everything you need to know ho



  • This course is for absolute beginners with no coding experience
  • Programmers coming from Java who want to learn Kotlin for Android


  • Build professional, fully functional apps using Kotlin
  • Apply for Jr. Android app development jobs
  • Submit apps to the Google Play store

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Kotlin for Android & Java Developers: Clean Code on Android

Become a professional Kotlin developer and write cleaner code in your Android apps than in Java, avoid boilerplate code

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課程老師Peter Sommerhoff
課程評價4.5 分(1,291 個評分)
學生人數6,242 人


Learn to use Kotlin the right way to actually improve your Android app code

Write null-safe, concise, and readable code in Kotlin using functional and object-oriented concepts

Work around unnecessary boilerplate code when using Android APIs (e.g. S



  • Android developers
  • Java developers
  • Anyone with some programming experience who wants to learn Kotlin for Android


  • Write clean code with Kotlin
  • Avoid ceremony and boilerplate code around Android APIs
  • Use functional programming to write concise, expressive code
  • Create Android apps with Kotlin
  • Write readable SQLite transactions using extension functions in Kotlin
  • Use the Kotlin Android Extensions to avoid findViewById()
  • Create multiple activities, layouts and menus

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從零開始學 Kotlin 程式設計 – 零基礎開發 Android APP 應用程式

使用 Kotlin 開發 Android APP 最佳指南,Kotlin 程式語言基礎入門課程

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課程老師HKT 線上教室
課程評價4.5 分(150 個評分)
學生人數692 人




HKT 線上課程

– 從零開始學 Dart 程式設計

– Flutter 程式設計入門實戰 30 天

– 從零開始學 JAVA 程式設計

– 從零開始學 Kotlin 程式設計

– Android 入門開發實戰:口罩地圖 (Kotlin)


Kotlin 又被稱之為 Android 界的 Swift, Google 2017年已正式宣布 K



  • 想使用 Kotlin 程式語言來開發 Android APP 應用程式
  • 想從 Java 換跑道,成為 Kotlin 程式開發者


  • 此課程為基礎入門課程,適合「初學入門者」。
  • 想要開發自己的 Android APP 應用程式
  • 這門課程適合初學者
  • 學習如何撰寫 Kotlin 程式碼
  • 掌握 Kotlin 基礎語法
  • 熟悉 IntelliJ Idea 開發工具
  • 希望成為 Kotlin 程式語言開發者
  • 熟悉 Android Studio 開發工具

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學活之路: Java 與 Kotlin

Kotlin 正火紅,用對方法可以更快學活兩種程式語言 – 懂程式不夠,還要會活用,學活它才是重點

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課程老師Hank Tom
課程評價4.8 分(80 個評分)
學生人數265 人


 由 Hank 老師設計專為初學者設計的物件導向程式設計線上課程,創新及高效益的學習路徑,課程專注於 Java 與 Kotlin 的語法,用獨創的方幫助你建立物件向導觀念,接地與實務結合的生活案例。加上動手實作引導與練習,上手並達到最佳的效益。

 每個單元從 Java 開始接續 Kotlin 語言的特色,業界豐富教學經驗的 Hank 老師特別設計,一次學習兩種最有影響力的語言。創造競爭力,J 與 K 連線無往不利!




  • 對於程式設計有興趣的人
  • 學過 Java ,想上手熟悉 Kotlin 語言的人
  • 決定要學一種程式語言的人


  • 上手 Java 與 Kotlin,能看懂、會寫程式
  • 認識物件導向程式設計
  • 設計類別,再利用設計去解決問題

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