


本文章推薦「Angular – The Complete Guide (2021 Edition)」、「Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide [2021 Edition]」、「The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Angular課程總覽
  2. Angular課程介紹
  1. Angular – The Complete Guide (2021 Edition)
  2. Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide [2021 Edition]
  3. The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced
  4. Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch
  5. Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers
  6. Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and Angular
  7. Build a Real-world App with ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 (4+)
  8. Angular Front To Back
  9. Angular 開發實戰:從零開始
  10. Angular with TypeScript 入门快速上手
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評價 4.6 分
(151,272 個評分)
4.7 分
(20,474 個評分)
4.4 分
(24,138 個評分)
4.6 分
(16,435 個評分)
4.5 分
(16,870 個評分)
4.5 分
(6,594 個評分)
4.5 分
(4,545 個評分)
4.8 分
(6,213 個評分)
4.9 分
(436 個評分)
4.1 分
(101 個評分)
學生 515,054 人人 101,960 人人 97,302 人人 69,633 人人 69,045 人人 60,011 人人 27,534 人人 22,960 人人 1,029 人人 971 人人
課程描述Master Angular 12 (formerly “Angular 2”) and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.jsLearn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Backend by building a real ApplicationThe most comprehensive Angular 4 (Angular 2+) course. Build a real e-commerce app with Angular, Firebase and Bootstrap 4A practical example of how to build an application with ASP.NET Core API (.Net 5.0) and Angular 10 from start to finishHave limited time to learn Angular 4 (Angular 2+)? Take this course and learn Angular in 10 hours!Become a Full Stack Java Developer. Build Your First Java Full Stack Application with Angular and Spring Boot.Build a full-stack web app with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and Angular 2 (Angular 4+)Master Angular 5 from the basics to building an advanced application with Firebase’s Firestore as well as authentication掌握 Angular 開發框架的重要知識與觀念在6小時內學習Angular

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Angular – The Complete Guide (2021 Edition)

Master Angular 12 (formerly “Angular 2”) and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.js

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課程老師Maximilian Schwarzmüller
課程評價4.6 分(151,272 個評分)
學生人數515,054 人


This course starts from scratch, you neither need to know Angular 1 nor Angular 2!

Angular 12 simply is the latest version of Angular 2, you will learn this amazing framework from the ground up in this course!

Join the most comprehensive, popular a



  • Newcomer as well as experienced frontend developers interested in learning a modern JavaScript framework
  • This course is for everyone interested in learning a state-of-the-art frontend JavaScript framework
  • Taking this course will enable you to be amongst the first to gain a very solid understanding of Angular


  • Develop modern, complex, responsive and scalable web applications with Angular 12
  • Fully understand the architecture behind an Angular application and how to use it
  • Use the gained, deep understanding of the Angular fundamentals to quickly establish yourself as a frontend developer
  • Create single-page applications with one of the most modern JavaScript frameworks out there

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Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide [2021 Edition]

Learn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Backend by building a real Application

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課程老師Maximilian Schwarzmüller
課程評價4.7 分(20,474 個評分)
學生人數101,960 人


Create modern, scalable and high-speed Web Applications with Angular (formerly named Angular 2, now just “Angular”) and Node.js + Express + MongoDB.

Angular 1 and NodeJS, together with ExpressJS (a NodeJS Framework) and MongoDB formed the very popul



  • This course is for everyone interested in putting existing Angular and NodeJS knowledge into action
  • If you’re familiar with the basics of Angular and NodeJS, this course provides a detailed guide on how to connect both technologies
  • Everyone interested in building a modern, full-stack application
  • Students who want to exercise with their NodeJS and Angular skills will find a great opportunity to do so


  • Build real Angular + NodeJS applications
  • Understand how Angular works and how it interacts with Backends
  • Connect any Angular Frontend with a NodeJS Backend
  • Use MongoDB with Mongoose to interact with Data on the Backend
  • Use ExpressJS as a NodeJS Framework
  • Provide a great user experience by using Optimistic Updating on the Frontend
  • Improve any Angular (+ NodeJS) application by adding Error Handling

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The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced

The most comprehensive Angular 4 (Angular 2+) course. Build a real e-commerce app with Angular, Firebase and Bootstrap 4

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課程老師Mosh Hamedani
課程評價4.4 分(24,138 個評分)
學生人數97,302 人


Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.

If you’ve been confused or frustrated



  • Developers who want to upgrade their skills and get better job opportunities
  • Front-end developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology
  • Back-end developers who want to learn front-end development and become full-stack developers
  • Hobbyist developers who are passionate about working with new frameworks


  • Establish yourself as a skilled professional developer
  • Build real-world Angular applications on your own
  • Troubleshoot common Angular errors
  • Master the best practices
  • Write clean and elegant code like a professional developer

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Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch

A practical example of how to build an application with ASP.NET Core API (.Net 5.0) and Angular 10 from start to finish

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課程老師Neil Cummings
課程評價4.6 分(16,435 個評分)
學生人數69,633 人


This course has been fully re-recorded and rewritten for .Net 5.0 and Angular 10.   

Have you learnt the basics of ASP.NET Core and Angular?  Not sure where to go next?  This course should be able to help with that.  In this course we start from not



  • Beginners to ASPNET Core and Angular who want to learn practical usage of these frameworks to build a compelling and functional application
  • Students who like to learn by doing rather than learning by theory


  • Learn how to build a web application from start to publishing using ASPNET Core (v2.1), Entity Framework Core and Angular (v6)
  • Students who complete this course will have a practical understanding of Angular and ASPNET Core
  • Understand how to structure an Angular application using best practices
  • Learn how to integrate 3rd party components into the Angular application
  • Use Visual Studio code effectively to improve workflow
  • Use AutoMapper
  • Implement drag and drop photo upload integrating into a cloud platform
  • Implement a private messaging system
  • Implement filtering, sorting and paging of data
  • Display notifications in Angular
  • Implement Authentication using JWT Authentication tokens
  • Handling errors in the API and the SPA
  • Persist data using Entity Framework Core
  • Real time notifications and presence using SignalR

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Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers

Have limited time to learn Angular 4 (Angular 2+)? Take this course and learn Angular in 10 hours!

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課程老師Mosh Hamedani
課程評價4.5 分(16,870 個評分)
學生人數69,045 人


Chances are you have heard that Angular developers are in demand these days. And you are here to learn Angular fast. 

There are tons of great courses out there for learning Angular. But most these courses are more than 20 hours long. If you’re a



  • Web developers wanting to build apps with Angular 2+


  • Master the essential Angular concepts
  • Troubleshoot common runtime errors
  • Write cleaner, more maintainable code

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Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and Angular

Become a Full Stack Java Developer. Build Your First Java Full Stack Application with Angular and Spring Boot.

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課程老師in28Minutes Official
課程評價4.5 分(6,594 個評分)
學生人數60,011 人


Welcome to this Amazing Course on Full Stack Web Development with Angular and Spring Boot. This course is designed to be a Perfect First Step as an Introduction to Angular and Full Stack Development for Java & Spring Developers.

Zero Experience with



  • You want to develop your first full stack application with Angular and Spring Boot
  • You are a Java Developer aiming to get started with Full Stack Development with Angular and Spring Boot
  • You are a Spring Boot Developer looking to Build a Full Stack Application with Angular
  • You want to learn the fundamental building blocks of Angular Frontend Framework
  • You want to learn to build basic RESTful API and Services with Spring Boot Framework
  • You want to learn how to Secure REST API with Spring Boot and Spring Security with Basic Authentication and JWT


  • You will Develop Your First FULL STACK Application with Angular and Spring Boot
  • You will learn the Basics of Building AWESOME Frontend Applications with Angular
  • You will be introduced to Building Great RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
  • You will Learn to use Spring Security to configure Basic Authentication and JWT
  • You will learn to Solve the Challenges of Connecting an Angular Frontend to a RESTful API
  • You will learn the basics of Angular – Angular Modules, Components, Data Binding and Routing
  • You will learn to connect REST API to JPA/Hibernate with Spring Boot
  • You will understand the best practices in designing RESTful web services
  • You will learn to use a wide variety of Spring Boot Starter Projects – Spring Boot Web, and Spring Boot Data JPA
  • You will learn the magic of Spring Boot – Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr and Starter Projects
  • You will develop a Todo Management Full Stack Application step by step with login and logout functionalities
  • You will understand how to make best use of Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Boot Developer Tools
  • You will learn to secure RESTful API with Spring Boot and Spring Security

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Build a Real-world App with ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 (4+)

Build a full-stack web app with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and Angular 2 (Angular 4+)

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課程老師Mosh Hamedani
課程評價4.5 分(4,545 個評分)
學生人數27,534 人


[UPDATE, June 19]: Added a new section to the course.

With over 3,000 students and 300+ positive reviews, this course is Udemy’s most popular course for learning ASP.NET Core in the context of a real project! 

ASP.NET Core is the next genera



  • Developers who are familiar with ASP.NET MVC 5 and want to transition to ASP.NET Core
  • Developers who want to learn how to integrate ASP.NET MVC / Core and Angular 2
  • Developers who want to learn how to build an application from A to Z
  • Developers who want to improve their coding skills


  • Build real-world applications with ASP.NET Core and Angular 2
  • Integrate ASP.NET MVC / Core with Angular 2
  • Implement a clean and decoupled architecture
  • Understand and apply the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  • Properly implement the repository and unit of work patterns
  • Use the new dependency injection feature in ASP.NET Core
  • Troubleshoot common runtime errors
  • Build APIs with ASP.NET Core
  • Test APIs using PostMan
  • Use AutoMapper
  • Store and retrieve data using Entity Framework Core (Code-first approach)
  • Implement CRUD operations (including one-to-many and many-to-many relationships)
  • Implement filtering, sorting and pagination
  • Handle and log errors
  • Display toast notifications
  • Implement photo upload with progress bar
  • Add authentication and authorization using Auth0 and JWTs
  • Write clean, maintainable and reliable code
  • Refactor bad code into good code
  • Better understand software development lifecycle

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Angular Front To Back

Master Angular 5 from the basics to building an advanced application with Firebase’s Firestore as well as authentication

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課程老師Brad Traversy
課程評價4.8 分(6,213 個評分)
學生人數22,960 人


This course was crafted to benefit absolutely any level of developer. We will start from scratch and learn how to create a development environment for Angular 5+, Setup Angular CLI and learn all of the fundamentals. We start by building a sandbox app



  • Anyone that wants to learn Angular 5+


  • Build amazing single page applications using Angular 5+
  • Master Angular concepts
  • Understand the file and folder structure of an Angular application
  • Build a client management application with authentication and Firebase’s Firestore
  • Integrate Bootstrap 4 into Angular projects

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Angular 開發實戰:從零開始

掌握 Angular 開發框架的重要知識與觀念

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課程老師Will 保哥
課程評價4.9 分(436 個評分)
學生人數1,029 人


Angular 框架經過數年的發展,框架本身已經相當成熟,不但進入門檻越來越低,在執行速度、開發效率、學習曲線方面,也都得到了一個相當不錯的平衡點。我們都知道,網頁前端技術日新月異,但就我長期觀察下來,近兩年來 Angular 框架發展已經相當穩定,官方團隊也不斷精進整個開發生態,無論是在開發工具的支援,或是透過 Angular CLI 加速大型專案管理,都已經有相當程度的效益。現在,就是投入 Angular 學習的最佳時機!

本課程歷經數月的精心策劃、製作、剪輯,並特別強調新手入門 Angu



  • Web 開發人員
  • 網頁前端工程師
  • 網頁設計師


  • 了解 Angular 開發框架與其優勢
  • 學會有效率的利用 Angular 開發前端應用
  • 掌握開發 Angular 的重要觀念與開發技巧

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Angular with TypeScript 入门快速上手


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課程老師Greg Lim
課程評價4.1 分(101 個評分)
學生人數971 人






  • 對學習Angular感到興趣的開發者


  • 開發一個真實的Angular應用程序

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