【2024年】十大Axure RP課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!


【2024年】十大Axure RP課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

本文章推薦「Axure RP 8 – Comprehensive training for UX Design」、「Learning Axure RP 8 – UX Design Fundamentals」、「Axure RP 9 Fundamentals and Mobile prototyping for UX Design」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Axure RP課程總覽
  2. Axure RP課程介紹
  1. Axure RP 8 – Comprehensive training for UX Design
  2. Learning Axure RP 8 – UX Design Fundamentals
  3. Axure RP 9 Fundamentals and Mobile prototyping for UX Design
  4. Learn Axure RP for Web and Mobile App Prototyping
  5. Axure RP 7 原型設計基礎課程 – 基礎工具應用
  6. Proficient Prototyping for Axure RP: Recreate Nike Homepage
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Axure RP課程總覽



評價 4.0 分
(701 個評分)
4.7 分
(517 個評分)
4.3 分
(206 個評分)
4.4 分
(89 個評分)
4.3 分
(7 個評分)
4.5 分
(4 個評分)
學生 2,835 人人 1,934 人人 902 人人 473 人人 171 人人 7 人人
課程描述Learn the basic, intermediate and advance level Axure RP skills for creating interactive prototype for web and mobile.Develop your prototyping skills and become a better UX designer.Learn the fundamentals to advance level of Axure RP skills to create an interactive prototyping for mobile device.A one-stop shop to becoming Axure specialist and prototyping interactive and high fidelity Web and Mobile applications不論是網站、App或是研究專案,這堂課教你利用Axure RP,描繪出你心中所想要呈現介面的樣貌。Level up your skills fast by learning how to prototype an eCommerce homepage from scratch

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Axure RP課程列表

您可以從下面資訊進一步瞭解Axure RP課程的價錢與最優惠的折扣、Axure RP課程的特色以及Axure RP課程介紹,發掘其他人同樣有興趣的產品還有哪些,期望您能找到滿意的!

Axure RP 8 – Comprehensive training for UX Design

Learn the basic, intermediate and advance level Axure RP skills for creating interactive prototype for web and mobile.

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課程老師Anand Padia
課程評價4.0 分(701 個評分)
學生人數2,835 人


KICK START your prototyping with this 4 hour online, video training of Axure RP 8 course.

The course includes basic, intermediate and advance level of prototyping. This will help you understand the UX fundamental of prototyping and master the inter



  • UX Professional who want to take their skills to next level in prototyping
  • An organization who want to make the UX team member more efficient in prototyping
  • Individual who want to learn prototyping or make a step ahead towards UX career


  • Confidently create interactive prototype of website and adaptive design for mobile.
  • Practically learn how to use conditional logic, math, function and expression in your prototype.
  • Effectivley using the masters, dynamic panel, repeater widgets, web font as you master the course.
  • Create and manage mobile design with adaptive view
  • Take advantage of dynamic data driven prototype through repeater widgets.
  • Add e-commerce interaction to your prototype.
  • Working with IF / ELSE conditions
  • Embed google maps and youtube video to your prototype.

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Learning Axure RP 8 – UX Design Fundamentals

Develop your prototyping skills and become a better UX designer.

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課程老師Radu Fotolescu
課程評價4.7 分(517 個評分)
學生人數1,934 人


By the end of this course, you’ll know everything there is to know about how to get started with Axure 8 and how to take advantage of the functionalities it has to offer.

You will be able to quickly design and share fully interactive prototypes, and



  • This is a beginner’s course, teaching you the basics, the fundamentals of Axure
  • Everybody who is interested in adding Axure to their skill set should take this course


  • Create wireframes and interactive prototypes with Axure 8
  • Improve your prototyping skills and become an Axure specialist
  • Become a better Interaction Designer

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Axure RP 9 Fundamentals and Mobile prototyping for UX Design

Learn the fundamentals to advance level of Axure RP skills to create an interactive prototyping for mobile device.

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課程老師Anand Padia
課程評價4.3 分(206 個評分)
學生人數902 人


Start learning prototyping with 10 hours online, video training of Axure RP 9 course.

Fundamental part is common for the creation of a website or mobile prototype.

Advance section is to learn mobile interaction in detail

All the interaction that h



  • UX Professional who want to take their skills to next level in prototyping
  • An organization who want to make the UX team member more efficient in prototyping
  • Individual who want to learn prototyping or make a step ahead towards UX career
  • Individual who want to move from Axure RP 8 to Axure RP 9


  • Fundamental of Axure RP 9.
  • Learning about widgets, shapes and styling and it usage
  • Confidently create interactive prototype for mobile.
  • Practically learn how to use variable, math, function and expression in your prototype. (Advanced)
  • Using data driven prototype through repeater widgets.
  • Practically learn IF / ELSE condition. (Advanced)
  • Confidently using the masters, dynamic panel and repeater widgets as you master the course.
  • Managing mobile design with adaptive view. (Advanced)

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Learn Axure RP for Web and Mobile App Prototyping

A one-stop shop to becoming Axure specialist and prototyping interactive and high fidelity Web and Mobile applications

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課程老師Bekzod Ruzmetov
課程評價4.4 分(89 個評分)
學生人數473 人


In this course, we will start from the basics and up to advanced Axure features, hence making it comprehensive, suitable and engaging for both novice and intermediary users. 

In this course you will learn and feel comfortable 

Creating interactions



  • Anyone who wants to learn to prototype web and mobile applications
  • Anyone who wants to enhance their Axure skills
  • Anyone who has a desire and / or a need to prototype
  • If you are beginner or intermediary Axure users


  • Prototype web and mobile applications and share with stakeholders
  • Get comfortable creating high fidelity prototypes
  • Use interactions, conditions, variables and third party libraries at a professional level
  • Use Google Sheets as a database for your prototypes
  • Embed Google Charts in Axure prototypes
  • Use advanced widgets
  • Create Twitter Web application
  • Create Twitter Mobile application
  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I am here to give more.
  • Create sliders, accordions, tab controls, sticky headers and many more
  • Create reusable widgets and libraries
  • Use Axure as a simple templating engine with Repeater widget
  • Learn IF / ELSE conditions
  • Effectivley use the masters and dynamic panels
  • Embed Google Maps
  • Create numpad / dialpads

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Axure RP 7 原型設計基礎課程 – 基礎工具應用

不論是網站、App或是研究專案,這堂課教你利用Axure RP,描繪出你心中所想要呈現介面的樣貌。

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課程老師慕課 癮科技
課程評價4.3 分(7 個評分)
學生人數171 人


Axure RP 最大的特色是將網頁或 APP 元素模組化,以及可以建立互動模擬數位產品的真實運作情況。幫助不會寫程式的朋友能快速建立心中對介面的想法。因此上完這堂課程,可幫助大家學到如何利用 Axure RP 快速建立具有互動性的 prototype ,協助各位在介面規劃的表現。

第三章我們會介紹 Axure RP 最核心的功能,初



  • 數位產品的PM
  • UI 設計師
  • 對 UI 設計有興趣的人
  • 網站製作人
  • 網站企劃
  • 專案經理


  • 快速將數位產品的概念建立成 Prototype
  • 使用互動效果提高介面規劃擬真程度
  • 規劃數位產品的整體架構
  • Prototype 透過文件或網址分享跟共享者

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Proficient Prototyping for Axure RP: Recreate Nike Homepage

Level up your skills fast by learning how to prototype an eCommerce homepage from scratch

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課程老師Calvin Pedzai
課程評價4.5 分(4 個評分)
學生人數7 人


Get a behind-the-scenes look at my design and prototyping process
Don’t get bogged down trying to understand the whole Axure RP program before you can create something meaningful. This course is perfect for those who want more practical work and exer



  • Beginner Axure users to mid-level users looking to enhance their prototyping skills and learn Axure RP faster


  • Introduction to the Axure RP interface
  • How to plan and correctly setup your design project
  • Axure RP most used features
  • Design decisions around what to prototype
  • How to layout and add styling to a website wireframe
  • Bring the prototype to life with interactions and functionality

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