【2024年】十大Express 框架課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!


【2024年】十大Express 框架課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

本文章推薦「NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)」、「Express ( Web Framework) for beginners」、「Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail.」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Express 框架課程總覽
  2. Express 框架課程介紹
  1. NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)
  2. Express ( Web Framework) for beginners
  3. Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail.
  4. Express.js Node.js & MongoDB
  5. Projects in ExpressJS – Learn ExpressJs building 10 projects
  6. Master ExpressJS to Build Web Apps with NodeJS&JavaScript
  7. Learn Express
  8. Learn Expressjs for beginners: A JavaScript Framework
  9. Build Node.js apps with AWS DynamoDB & Docker containers
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Express 框架課程總覽



評價 4.7 分
(27,903 個評分)
4.1 分
(31 個評分)
4.7 分
(1,353 個評分)
4.1 分
(240 個評分)
4.3 分
(300 個評分)
4.1 分
(61 個評分)
4.2 分
(93 個評分)
4.0 分
(4 個評分)
4.5 分
(4 個評分)
學生 135,684 人人 10,310 人人 7,405 人人 4,932 人人 2,882 人人 2,693 人人 1,416 人人 1,183 人人 72 人人
課程描述Master Node JS & Deno.js, build REST APIs with Node.js, GraphQL APIs, add Authentication, use MongoDB, SQL & much more!Learn Express and interact with Nodejs and MongoDBNo MERN or MEAN… just Express js. For those who’ve learned a bit about the most awesome node framework, and want more.Fast development never been easyA Complete Course to Learn Professional Web Development using ExpressJSBased on ExpressWorks automated workshop, author Azat Mardan (Pro ExpressJS) walks you through each exercise.Master Express – the fast and lightweight Node framework for building backend serversCreate a Basic Server and Integrate a Database step by stepBuild scalable apps using Node, Amazon’s DynamoDB (key-value store), Docker containers & host them on with auto-scaling

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Express 框架課程列表

您可以從下面資訊進一步瞭解Express 框架課程的價錢與最優惠的折扣、Express 框架課程的特色以及Express 框架課程介紹,發掘其他人同樣有興趣的產品還有哪些,期望您能找到滿意的!

NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)

Master Node JS & Deno.js, build REST APIs with Node.js, GraphQL APIs, add Authentication, use MongoDB, SQL & much more!

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課程老師Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
課程評價4.7 分(27,903 個評分)
學生人數135,684 人


Join the most comprehensive Node.js course on Udemy and learn Node in both a practical as well as theory-based way!

This course was updated to also include sections on Deno.js – in addition to more than 30 hours of content on Node.js!




  • Beginner or advanced web developers who want to dive into backend (server-side) development with NodeJS
  • Everyone who’s interested in building modern, scalable and high-performing web applications
  • Experienced NodeJS developers who want to dive into specific features like using GraphQL with NodeJS


  • Work with one of the most in-demand web development programming languages
  • Learn the basics as well as advanced concepts of NodeJS in great detail
  • Build modern, fast and scalable server-side web applications with NodeJS, databases like SQL or MongoDB and more
  • Understand the NodeJS ecosystem and build server-side rendered apps, REST APIs and GraphQL APIs
  • Get a thorough introduction to DenoJS

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Express ( Web Framework) for beginners

Learn Express and interact with Nodejs and MongoDB

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課程老師Bluelime Learning Solutions
課程評價4.1 分(31 個評分)
學生人數10,310 人


Express is a popular unopinionated web framework, written in JavaScript and hosted within the Node.js runtime environment. This module explains some of the key benefits of the framework, how to set up your development environment and how to perform c



  • Beginners to Express Framework


  • Installing Nodejs and Express
  • Creating a basic express server
  • Serving static content
  • Basic Routing
  • Testing Routes using Postman
  • Setting Up Mongo DB
  • Integrating MongoDB with Express

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Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail.

No MERN or MEAN… just Express js. For those who’ve learned a bit about the most awesome node framework, and want more.

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課程老師Robert Bunch
課程評價4.7 分(1,353 個評分)
學生人數7,405 人


You have some notion of what Node, Express, and http are or you wouldn’t be here. Node and back-end JavaScript have taken the world by storm, [SOME BIG COMPANY] moved to node and it changed the world, blah blah blah. One of the first things you’re go



  • Beginner node developers who want to learn Express but overwhelmed by full MERN or MEAN courses
  • Beginner node developers who need a review of JUST Express js
  • Developers who want to go into the various pieces of Express in a little more depth without having to look at the docs
  • Developers interested in using node as a webserver or using web sockets with Express


  • Express. That’s (mostly) all we cover so when you finish, you’ll know it!
  • Set up an Express server that can do anything Express can do!
  • Operate that Express Server as a REST API
  • Use that Express Server to render your front-end web pages with EJS, PUG, & handlebars
  • Understand the basics of HTTP and the request/response cycle

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Express.js Node.js & MongoDB

Fast development never been easy

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課程老師Nelson Jamal
課程評價4.1 分(240 個評分)
學生人數4,932 人


Express is the most popular framework for Node.js. It allows you to spin up a web server in just about 3 lines of code. Express framework makes it easy to building web applications and api’s for clients very fast. Even better when you can combine an



  • Someone who want to learn MongoDB
  • Someone who want to build API’s for clients
  • Someone who wants to learn the process of backend applications


  • Connect to MongoDB
  • HTTP verbs
  • Serve static content from server
  • Build API for clients
  • Build applications with Express
  • Use Template engines
  • Express Middleware
  • Spin up databases running on the cloud

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Projects in ExpressJS – Learn ExpressJs building 10 projects

A Complete Course to Learn Professional Web Development using ExpressJS

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課程老師Eduonix Learning Solutions
課程評價4.3 分(300 個評分)
學生人數2,882 人


Course Updated On – Feb 1st 2017

Learn to build robust and dynamic web apps using Express JS with this EPIC hands-on course!

Express JS is the pre-built Node JS framework that can help developers build faster and smarter websites and web apps. Whil



  • Students who want to use express or Node as web development backend


  • Build professional websites using express
  • Use MEAN stack technologies
  • Use MongoDB, Couch and Mongoose with Express framework
  • Learn professional nodejs

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Master ExpressJS to Build Web Apps with NodeJS&JavaScript

Based on ExpressWorks automated workshop, author Azat Mardan (Pro ExpressJS) walks you through each exercise.

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課程老師Azat Mardan
課程評價4.1 分(61 個評分)
學生人數2,693 人


You might have heard about such rapidly-growing-in-popularity technologies as NodeJS or the M.E.A.N. stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS). The brilliance of NodeJS is its fast performance and the ability to leverage JavaScript on the serv



  • Web developers
  • Back-end engineers
  • Software engineers


  • Utilize Express and Node to build REST APIs
  • Use Express to create traditional web app (server-side rendering)
  • Use Express middleware static
  • Interpret data on the server from web form
  • Accept URL parameters on the server
  • Send back JSON data to clients

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Learn Express

Master Express – the fast and lightweight Node framework for building backend servers

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課程老師Daniel Stern
課程評價4.2 分(93 個評分)
學生人數1,416 人


Express is an extremely powerful tool for creating web applications built on Node.

Join us for an action-packed series of video tutorials as we learn about how to use and implement the impressive Express library.

– Install Express on your computer-



  • Beginners to internet networking and servers will find this course very informative
  • Those already expert in Express 2 or 3 may benefit more just from reading the documentation
  • Students coming from other languages (.NET, C#) should find this course informative but may wish to skip ahead to the workshop section
  • Those who want to understand running servers with Node.js should enjoy this course
  • Absolute beginners to programming may consider taking a beginner JavaScript course before taking this one


  • Implement a server with Express 4
  • Understand and explain Express and Node’s role in the ecosystem of the internet
  • Use Mocha and Supertest to write tests for your Express apps
  • Implement a RESTful API with Express
  • Serve HTML and CSS files using Express
  • Implement Express middleware including body-parser and Cors

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Learn Expressjs for beginners: A JavaScript Framework

Create a Basic Server and Integrate a Database step by step

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課程老師Bluelime Learning Solutions
課程評價4.0 分(4 個評分)
學生人數1,183 人


Express is a fast, minimalist framework that sits on top of Node.js and allows you to build powerful single- and multi-page web applications and websites.

Express JS is built  with Node JS  and is a web framework that can help developers build faste



  • Absolute beginners to express
  • Novice developers
  • Anyone who wants to learn something new


  • Create a basic Express server
  • Integrate a database into express
  • Refactor existing code
  • Create basic routes
  • Test routes using postman
  • Install and use middleware
  • Serve static content
  • Install and use nodemon
  • Use various http methods
  • Understand basic http response codes.

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Build Node.js apps with AWS DynamoDB & Docker containers

Build scalable apps using Node, Amazon’s DynamoDB (key-value store), Docker containers & host them on with auto-scaling

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課程老師Michael Gradek
課程評價4.5 分(4 個評分)
學生人數72 人


In this course you will learn how to:

Build a REST API using Node.js alongside the Express library

Persist data using AWS DynamoDB

You will learn how to develop using DynamoDB on your local computer before deploying your app in production




  • Beginners to Javascript and Node
  • Seasoned developers looking for guidance on how to set up a project with AWS Fargate


  • Javascript
  • Node
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • DynamoDB
  • Fargate
  • Auto-scaling

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【2024年】十大Express 框架課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!



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