【2024年】十大Google Analytics (分析)課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!


【2024年】十大Google Analytics (分析)課程熱門排行推薦與優惠精選!

本文章推薦「Google Analytics Certification – 1 Day Certification Guide」、「Google Analytics for Beginners | Hands-On Training Course」、「Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

廣告 – 往下繼續閱讀本文


  1. Google Analytics (分析)課程總覽
  2. Google Analytics (分析)課程介紹
  1. Google Analytics Certification – 1 Day Certification Guide
  2. Google Analytics for Beginners | Hands-On Training Course
  3. Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples
  4. Google Analytics Beginner to Intermediate | Hands-On Lessons
  5. Advanced Google Analytics course + 77 practical questions
  6. 一週取得Google Analytics (GA)證照
  7. Google Analytics Mastery
  8. Master Google Analytics (UA) with Tag Manager & Data Studio
  9. Google Analytics 4 for Beginners – New Google Analytics
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Google Analytics (分析)課程總覽



評價 4.4 分
(14,662 個評分)
4.4 分
(7,891 個評分)
4.5 分
(5,163 個評分)
4.5 分
(284 個評分)
4.4 分
(402 個評分)
4.7 分
(567 個評分)
4.2 分
(294 個評分)
4.5 分
(339 個評分)
4.3 分
(289 個評分)
學生 93,511 人人 33,679 人人 17,486 人人 13,550 人人 3,885 人人 2,557 人人 2,517 人人 2,241 人人 1,482 人人
課程描述Get Your Google Analytics Certification Quickly to Get a Job, Earn More or Start a New Career in Digital Marketing.Grow Your Business & Career with this Best-Selling Google Analytics Course – 2021 Guide with Hands-On ExercisesPractical Google Analytics course based on real experience including 50 practical examples + 100 quiz questionsEntire Course Recorded in Late 2020 | Learn Google Analytics and Master the Customer FunnelGoogle Analytics course covering slightly advanced topics such as assisted conversions, attribution or custom reports.從零開始學會網站分析! GA觀念講解.GA證照準備方向及資源.130+考古題庫練習.一週學習進度分配.40頁測驗觀念複習講義。Generate more revenue through a deeper understanding of web analytics dataAce certification. Google Analytics Reports, Tag Manager and Google Data Studio lessons for beginners & advanced users.Start using the latest version of Google Analytics Reports called GA4 with confidence

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Google Analytics (分析)課程列表

您可以從下面資訊進一步瞭解Google Analytics (分析)課程的價錢與最優惠的折扣、Google Analytics (分析)課程的特色以及Google Analytics (分析)課程介紹,發掘其他人同樣有興趣的產品還有哪些,期望您能找到滿意的!

Google Analytics Certification – 1 Day Certification Guide

Get Your Google Analytics Certification Quickly to Get a Job, Earn More or Start a New Career in Digital Marketing.

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Daragh Walsh
課程評價4.4 分(14,662 個評分)
學生人數93,511 人


Become Google Analytics Certified Quickly with this Best Selling Course!

Google Analytics is a requirement for any digital marketing or digital advertising position.

So enrol today to become Google Analytics Certified in the shortest time possible.



  • BUSY PEOPLE who want to become certified in the shortest time possible
  • MARKETERS who want to increase their earning potential and career prospects
  • FREELANCERS looking to attract more leads and more sales
  • WEBSITE OWNERS who want learn Google Analytics as quickly and effectively as possible
  • AGENCIES who want to train up staff members quickly


  • Pass the OFFICIAL Google Analytics certification exam first time!
  • Access TONS of practice questions to see what you got right/wrong and why
  • Get a COMPLETE certification training (Beginner to Advanced)
  • Use TWO METHODS to promote your certification and get hired

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Google Analytics for Beginners | Hands-On Training Course

Grow Your Business & Career with this Best-Selling Google Analytics Course – 2021 Guide with Hands-On Exercises

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Daragh Walsh
課程評價4.4 分(7,891 個評分)
學生人數33,679 人


Quickly master Google Analytics with this hands-on, scenario-driven course, and start improving the performance of your websites today!

Student Reviews

★★★★★ “This course gave me the information our company has needed for ages. No more big bucks to



  • This course is designed for anyone who wants to make data driven decisions to grow their business but is struggling to do so because they feel overwhelmed by the technicalities and data.
  • Small business owners, entrepreneurs and anyone looking get hired into an analytics role will benefit hugely from the step by step process outlined in this course
  • Not intended for advanced Google Analytics users as much of the content may be revision.


  • Set up a Google Analytics account and add a website in minutes
  • Analyse data quickly to improve your marketing, website performance & more.
  • Set up goals, campaign tracking, filters and custom alerts
  • Encourage collaboration with custom dashboards and shareable reports.

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Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples

Practical Google Analytics course based on real experience including 50 practical examples + 100 quiz questions

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Pavel Brecik
課程評價4.5 分(5,163 個評分)
學生人數17,486 人


The goal of this course is to teach you Google Analytics as a tool, but what is more important to teach you how to use the data to drive your business. We’ll start with the very basic topics such as how the measurement works, basic metric definition,



  • Everyone who not only wants to learn Google Analytics as a tool, but also use the data to drive your business and build a data-driven ability.
  • The course is designed for all skill levels. From the very beginners to experienced marketing managers.


  • Understand how the tool works, what data is there and the most important find the business value in it
  • Ability to make the right data decisions
  • Know which are important Google Analytics reports
  • Among others we’ll go through 50 practical examples!
  • You’ll practice achieved knowledge with 100 quiz questions
  • How to think in context and not act hastily

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Google Analytics Beginner to Intermediate | Hands-On Lessons

Entire Course Recorded in Late 2020 | Learn Google Analytics and Master the Customer Funnel

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Travis Chow
課程評價4.5 分(284 個評分)
學生人數13,550 人


This course will get a complete beginner using Google Analytics proficiently. This includes setting up, using and customizing reports, tracking user behavior and understanding the customer funnel. Adapted from 9 years of corporate training, this clas



  • Marketing professional who needs to be proficient with Google Analytics
  • A data analyst who needs to learn online marketing and Google Analytics
  • Anyone who has to understand their users to grow an online business
  • Job interviewers who need a refresher


  • Starting from scratch, attain proficiency in Google Analytics for growth marketing
  • Learn the essential tool to become an analyst, product manager or online marketer
  • Online Customer Funnel and Google Analytics data model explained visually in detail
  • 10 hands-on practice exercises with demo account structured like mini business use cases
  • Professional tips from industry veteran who has used and taught Google Analytics for 9 years
  • Quickly setup Google Analytics for your own website (simple cases)
  • Access demo account for immediate hands-on learning
  • Analyze and track online audience, behavior, acquisitions and conversions
  • Walkthroughs and explanations of the most commonly used reports in the industry
  • Create custom reports from scratch to export to Excel or share with others
  • Primer for most important advanced reports including flows and cohort analysis
  • Analyze smarter with Dimensions, Metrics and Segments
  • Setup and work with goal tracking in Google Analytics
  • Basic setup and administration for sole proprietor running an online business
  • Review of the 35 most important terms and concepts in Google Analytics

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Advanced Google Analytics course + 77 practical questions

Google Analytics course covering slightly advanced topics such as assisted conversions, attribution or custom reports.

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Pavel Brecik
課程評價4.4 分(402 個評分)
學生人數3,885 人


The course follows the previous one “Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples” and is designed for all of you who already spent some time in Google Analytics and want to enrich your current knowledge. I assume you know how the session



  • Google Analytics users who already know a bit more than how interface looks like :).


  • A bit advanced Google Analytics concepts such as assisted conversions and calculated metrics
  • How attribution works in general and that it’s not only about traffic sources
  • What are scopes and why their knowledge is fundamental
  • How events work and which ones makes sense to use
  • Many custom things like reports, dimensions, metrics, channel grouping and alerts
  • How regular expressions can save time and how to easily automate reports outside GA
  • Sessions and clicks are completely different metrics

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一週取得Google Analytics (GA)證照

從零開始學會網站分析! GA觀念講解.GA證照準備方向及資源.130+考古題庫練習.一週學習進度分配.40頁測驗觀念複習講義。

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Daisy Tsai
課程評價4.7 分(567 個評分)
學生人數2,557 人


— 數位行銷人員分析網站必學!一次掌握Google Analytics觀念+證照考取 —

Google Analytics (GA)是企業必裝的免費網站分析工具。在數位時代中,網站就像我們的店鋪,而GA就好比店面監視器,能夠告訴我們誰拜訪了店面、商品擺放的位置好壞、消費者最後買了什麼商品…等多項資訊。善用這套工具,能夠提供我們商業洞見、優化網站的動線環節及使用者體驗。懂得如何閱讀GA分析報表,也成為數位行銷人員或任何網站經營者必備的一項技能。




  • 任何想踏入數位行銷、數據分析領域的人
  • 想有效率學習GA、快速考取GA證照者
  • 正在面試行銷工作,想為求職面試爭取籌碼的新鮮人
  • 想培養網站分析能力者
  • 網站經營者,希望藉由網站分析取得商業洞見


  • 整合官方學習資源,零基礎快速考取GA證照
  • 熟悉GA操作介面、理解專有名詞及報表意義
  • 130+題測驗考古題練習,附觀念說明連結,即時解惑
  • 掌握GA證照測驗規則、準備方向
  • 圖像化理解GA觀念,建立網站分析世界觀
  • 在CakeResume、LinkedIn宣傳你的GA證照

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Google Analytics Mastery

Generate more revenue through a deeper understanding of web analytics data

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Chris Boulas
課程評價4.2 分(294 個評分)
學生人數2,517 人


The only end-to-end course for Google Analytics users of all skill levels. From initial setup and tracking code configuration scenarios to leveraging it’s reporting capabilities to generate more revenue, this course is designed to rapidly expand your



  • This course is designed for students of all skill levels to benefit. From the basics of setup and standard reporting to more advanced concepts around recommended filters, advanced segmentation, revenue reporting, etc.


  • Implement Google Analytics under beginner and advanced scenarios
  • Learn who their audience is and how they interact with your website
  • Understand where their traffic comes from and how those users navigate between pages of your site
  • Build, manage, and share custom reports with your colleagues
  • Answer specific questions you have about how your site is performing.
  • Have the skills they need to measure web traffic through to revenue and ROI.

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Master Google Analytics (UA) with Tag Manager & Data Studio

Ace certification. Google Analytics Reports, Tag Manager and Google Data Studio lessons for beginners & advanced users.

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Rudranil Chakrabortty
課程評價4.5 分(339 個評分)
學生人數2,241 人


“You are in for 18 hours of rigorous step-by-step mastery of Google Analytics basic and advanced reports, Google Tag Manager, and Google Data Studio (with hands-on exercises on a real website). In this course, I shall take you through the basics, fro



  • Online Marketing Professionals
  • Marketing Analytics Professionals
  • Web Analytics Professionals
  • Internet-based Small Business Owners
  • Web Analytics Developers


  • Understand all pre-defined reports in Google Analytics comprehensively (For Beginners)
  • Learn to collect customized data from your website with advanced concepts such as Events, Goals, Custom Metrics, User-ID and more
  • Set-in-motion advanced level of data collection from your website using Google Tag Manager and Data Layer concepts
  • Learn how to get started with Google Analytics 4 – the latest version of Google Analytics
  • Build advanced reports step-by-step for customized reporting using Data Studio
  • Get your certification, become a Marketing Analytics specialist

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Google Analytics 4 for Beginners – New Google Analytics

Start using the latest version of Google Analytics Reports called GA4 with confidence

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Anil Batra
課程評價4.3 分(289 個評分)
學生人數1,482 人


Google Analytics 4 For Beginners – New Google Analytics. Google Analytics 4 is the new free version of Google Analytics.  This is the course that will help you with correctly understanding Google Analytics 4 reports.

Start using the latest version o



  • Beginners who want to learn Google Analytics
  • People new to Google Analytics
  • Marketing Managers


  • Google Analytics 4
  • Google Analytics New Version

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