


本文章推薦「Docker Mastery: with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain」、「Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests」、「Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Kubernetes課程總覽
  2. Kubernetes課程介紹
  1. Docker Mastery: with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain
  2. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests
  3. Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on
  4. Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course
  5. Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests
  6. Kubernetes Hands-On – Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud
  7. Amazon EKS Starter: Docker on AWS EKS with Kubernetes
  8. Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain
  9. Kubernetes技术入门与实战
  10. kubernetes(k8s)部署SpringCloud
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評價 4.6 分
(50,110 個評分)
4.7 分
(29,838 個評分)
4.7 分
(33,868 個評分)
4.5 分
(13,081 個評分)
4.7 分
(14,031 個評分)
4.7 分
(4,432 個評分)
4.5 分
(2,288 個評分)
4.6 分
(2,542 個評分)
4.4 分
(218 個評分)
4.3 分
(10 個評分)
學生 239,308 人人 125,076 人人 124,270 人人 87,271 人人 85,111 人人 29,765 人人 20,910 人人 17,147 人人 1,257 人人 37 人人
課程描述Build, test, deploy containers with the best mega-course on Docker, Kubernetes, Compose, Swarm and Registry using DevOpsPrepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrators Certification with live practice tests right in your browser – CKALearn Kubernetes in simple, easy and fun way with hands-on coding exercises. For beginners in DevOps.Kubernetes will run and manage your containerized applications. Learn how to build, deploy, use, and maintain KubernetesLearn concepts and practice for the Kubernetes Certification with hands-on labs right in your browser – DevOps – CKADUse Kubernetes to deploy a Microservice architecture. You’ll deploy, manage and monitor a live Kubernetes cluster.Deploy Docker Containers on Kubernetes on AWS EKS & Fargate: Kubernetes Stateful & Stateless apps using ELB, EBS & EFSLearn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert通过实际操作讲解Kubernetes基本概念和使用K8S 服务编排

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Docker Mastery: with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain

Build, test, deploy containers with the best mega-course on Docker, Kubernetes, Compose, Swarm and Registry using DevOps

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課程老師Bret Fisher
課程評價4.6 分(50,110 個評分)
學生人數239,308 人


2021 Update: Ready for Apple Silicon (M1 arm64) and Raspberry Pi’s!
Be ready for the Dockerized future with the number ONE Docker + Kubernetes mega-course on Udemy. Welcome to the most complete and up-to-date course for learning and using containers



  • Software developers, sysadmins, IT pros, and operators at any skill level.
  • Anyone who makes, deploys, or operates software on servers.


  • How to use Docker, Compose and Kubernetes on your machine for better software building and testing.
  • Learn Docker and Kubernetes official tools from an award-winning Docker Captain!
  • Learn faster with included live chat group (21,000 members!) and weekly live Q&A.
  • Gain the skills to build development environments with your code running in containers.
  • Build Swarm and Kubernetes clusters for server deployments!
  • Hand’s-on with best practices for making Dockerfiles and Compose files like a Pro!
  • Build and publish your own custom images.
  • Create your own custom image registry to store your apps and deploy in corporate environments.

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Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests

Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrators Certification with live practice tests right in your browser – CKA

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課程老師Mumshad Mannambeth
課程評價4.7 分(29,838 個評分)
學生人數125,076 人


*** Updated for latest CKA (2021) 1.21 version of Exam ***

Kubernetes is one of the highest trending technology in Cloud Computing as of today. Kubernetes had the fastest growth in job searches, over 173% from a year before as reported recently by a



  • System Administrators
  • DevOps Professionals
  • Application Developers


  • How to Administer a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Design a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Build a Kubernetes Cluster from scratch – “The Hard Way”
  • How to Test a Kubernetes Cluster end-to-end
  • How to Troubleshoot a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Secure a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Configure Storage on a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Configure Network on a Kubernetes Cluster

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Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on

Learn Kubernetes in simple, easy and fun way with hands-on coding exercises. For beginners in DevOps.

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課程老師Mumshad Mannambeth
課程評價4.7 分(33,868 個評分)
學生人數124,270 人


“This is by far the best Kubernetes course on Udemy”—Student Testimonial

Learning Kubernetes is essential for any DevOps professional. DevOps engineers are always in demand. Currently the average Silicon Valley salary for a DevOps engineer is 20% hi



  • Beginners in Containers
  • Beginners in Orchestration
  • System Administrators
  • Developers
  • Project Managers


  • Gain basic understanding of Kubernetes Fundamentals
  • Develop Kubernetes Configuration Files in YAML
  • Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on local systems
  • Deploy Kubernetes on Cloud – Google Cloud Platform
  • Deploy Applications on Kubernetes
  • Setup ReplicaSets, Services and Deployments on Kubernetes

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Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course

Kubernetes will run and manage your containerized applications. Learn how to build, deploy, use, and maintain Kubernetes

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課程老師Edward Viaene
課程評價4.5 分(13,081 個評分)
學生人數87,271 人


This course will help you to gain understanding how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well sough



  • There is no prior knowledge needed, but a dev/ops/cloud/linux/networks background will definitely help
  • The course optionally uses Kubernetes on AWS. If you want to learn more about AWS itself, you will need to read some AWS documentation or take another AWS course. The course only explains how to use Kubernetes on AWS, it doesn’t explain how to use AWS itself. Still, all steps that you need to follow are explained in this course.


  • Install and configure Kubernetes (on your laptop/desktop or production grade cluster on AWS)
  • Use Docker Client (with kubernetes), kubeadm, kops, or minikube to setup your cluster
  • Be able to run stateless and stateful applications on Kubernetes
  • Use Healthchecks, Secrets, ConfigMaps, placement strategies using Node/Pod affinity / anti-affinity
  • Use StatefulSets to deploy a Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes
  • Add users, set quotas/limits, do node maintenance, setup monitoring
  • Use Volumes to provide persistence to your containers
  • Be able to scale your apps using metrics
  • Package applications with Helm and write your own Helm charts for your applications
  • Automatically build and deploy your own Helm Charts using Jenkins
  • Install and use kubeless to run functions (Serverless) on Kubernetes
  • Install and use Istio to deploy a service mesh on Kubernetes
  • Continuously Develop using Skaffold

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Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests

Learn concepts and practice for the Kubernetes Certification with hands-on labs right in your browser – DevOps – CKAD

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課程老師Mumshad Mannambeth
課程評價4.7 分(14,031 個評分)
學生人數85,111 人


A Kubernetes Certification can take your career to a whole new level. Learn, practice, and get certified on Kubernetes with hands-on labs right in your browser.

“I passed the exam and certified CKAD now. I didn’t passed at the first attempt. Second



  • System Administrators
  • Application Developers
  • Those looking to get Certified on Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes Certification
  • Design and Deploy applications on Kubernetes Cluster
  • Develop Cloud First Applications
  • Secure Kubernetes cluster with Secrets and Network Policies
  • Create and Schedule Jobs in Kubernetes
  • Create and Configure Persistent Volumes
  • Configure Readiness and Liveness Probes in a cluster
  • Troubleshoot Applications Deployed using Logs
  • Upgrade and Rollback Applications deployed on Kubernetes

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Kubernetes Hands-On – Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud

Use Kubernetes to deploy a Microservice architecture. You’ll deploy, manage and monitor a live Kubernetes cluster.

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課程老師Richard Chesterwood
課程評價4.7 分(4,432 個評分)
學生人數29,765 人


Kubernetes is one of the hottest topics right now, and engineers with Kubernetes skills are in big demand.

Get those skills with this course! It’s is a great chance to work on a real Kubernetes project, and to get yourself to a high professional sta



  • Anyone wanting to use Kubernetes on live production projects
  • We will be using AWS in the later sections of the course (optional); all AWS concepts are explained so this is a great start if you’re new to the cloud, but be aware that AWS do charge for usage.


  • Deploy containers to a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Run Kubernetes in AWS using either EKS or Kops
  • Monitor a live Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Analyse system-wide logs using the ELK Stack (ElasticStack); Kibana and ElasticSearch
  • Handle Alerts in a Kubernetes cluster by notifying Slack Channels
  • Understand how Requests and Limits work in Kubernetes
  • Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
  • Use RBAC to restrict access to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Configure Ingress Control on a live Kubernetes deployment
  • Understand Kubernetes StatefulSets
  • Integrate Kubernetes with a Continuous Deployment System (CD)
  • Use Helm to Manage Charts and to Dynamically Update your Kubernetes YAML

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Amazon EKS Starter: Docker on AWS EKS with Kubernetes

Deploy Docker Containers on Kubernetes on AWS EKS & Fargate: Kubernetes Stateful & Stateless apps using ELB, EBS & EFS

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課程老師Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,Solutions Architect,Developer
課程評價4.5 分(2,288 個評分)
學生人數20,910 人


[Jan 2020 Update]: Added 3 lectures on setting up and using AWS Fargate on EKS. Happy learning!

[Nov 2019 Update]: Added lectures on setting up EKS using eksctl, RBAC permissions for IAM users, cluster autoscaler, monitoring with Prometheus and Graf



  • AWS architects, who want to get ready for using Kubernetes on AWS
  • Kubernetes users, who are curious how Kubernetes on AWS works
  • Everyone who is interested in Kubernetes, AWS and how to use those services


  • Deploy an EKS cluster using CloudFormation
  • Scale your Kubernetes cluster
  • Setup kubectl properly to access your cluster
  • Setup administration using the Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Deploy a stateless application on EKS and expose it with a public Elastic Load Balancer
  • Deploy a stateful application on EKS and bind it with EBS volumes
  • Deploy a stateful application (such as WordPress) with EFS network drives
  • Use the AWS CLI & eksctl CLI
  • Learn how to use Fargate on EKS

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Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain

Learn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert

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課程老師Bret Fisher
課程評價4.6 分(2,542 個評分)
學生人數17,147 人


2021 Update: Ready for Apple Silicon (M1 arm64) and Raspberry Pi’s!
Taught by an award-winning Docker Captain and Kubernetes expert, this Course is the result of a collaboration between Bret Fisher, creator of the #1 Docker & Kubernetes course on Ude



  • Beginner Kubernetes students that want to learn the latest features and patterns for container orchestration
  • Sysadmins, developers, and operators that know some Docker, and want to start using multi-server orchestration
  • Anyone who makes, deploys, or operates software on servers, that already knows container basics


  • Learn Kubernetes and cluster tools from an award-winning Docker Captain!
  • Lead your team into the future with the latest Kubernetes & container skills!
  • Know the right ways to use Kubernetes for proper DevOps workflows
  • Understand production K8s topics like rolling updates, healthchecks, and failure recovery
  • Know when to use different types of app configuration like args, envs, and ConfigMaps
  • Make Kubernetes YAML manifests and deploy using infrastructure-as-code methods

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課程老師Peng Xiao
課程評價4.4 分(218 個評分)
學生人數1,257 人




时间回到2014年6月,Docker 1.0发布。从1.0开始我们使用Docke



  • 已经了解Docker,想进一步学习kubernetes
  • 想学习如何把自己开发的app部署到kubernetes集群里


  • 如何搭建kubernetes cluster
  • kubernetes基础架构
  • kubernetes的核心概念和基本操作
  • kubernetes的Network和Service
  • Kubernetes HealthCheck
  • Kubernetes Service Discovery
  • Kubernetes volume, secret, configmap

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K8S 服务编排

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課程老師Fischer lee
課程評價4.3 分(10 個評分)
學生人數37 人


第零章 K8S 服务编排

0.0 K8S 服务编排整体流程

第一章 SpringBoot系列

1.1 从SpringMVC进阶到SpringBoot

1.2 SpringBoot HelloWorld入门程序

1.3 SpringBoot 生产环境打成Jar包

第二章 Docker系列

2.1 Docker 介绍

2.2 Centos7 安装Docker

2.3 Centos7 重启Docker

2.4 Docker 镜像与容器

2.5 Docker 镜像的获取



  • Java初中高级程序员、开发经理、项目经理、架构师、CTO


  • kubernetes(k8s)部署SpringCloud

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