本文章推薦「Law of Attraction and Self Hypnosis Effortless Manifestation」、「Prosperous Metaphysics Course: How To Manifest Abundance」、「Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction and your Perfect Life」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。
- Law of Attraction and Self Hypnosis Effortless Manifestation
- Prosperous Metaphysics Course: How To Manifest Abundance
- Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction and your Perfect Life
- How to Manifest Using The Law of Attraction Certification
- What is Consciousness? – Spirituality meets Quantum Physics
- 90 Second INSTANT Manifestation Programme + CERTIFICATION
- Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)
- Manifesting your Best Life with Ray Maor
- 駕馭吸引力法則 –改寫潛意識創造成功與財富_國語_繁體中文
- 催眠駕馭吸引力法則 – 改寫潛意識創造成功與財富_廣東話_繁體中文
課程資訊 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
評價 | 4.4 分 (1,016 個評分) | 4.8 分 (1,438 個評分) | 4.3 分 (319 個評分) | 4.8 分 (641 個評分) | 4.6 分 (417 個評分) | 4.8 分 (429 個評分) | 4.6 分 (559 個評分) | 4.9 分 (243 個評分) | 4.4 分 (9 個評分) | 4.5 分 (14 個評分) |
學生 | 10,817 人人 | 8,248 人人 | 4,353 人人 | 3,006 人人 | 2,857 人人 | 2,613 人人 | 2,570 人人 | 2,453 人人 | 41 人人 | 40 人人 |
課程描述 | Learn Law of Attraction & Self Hypnosis with Neuroscience & Mindfulness for Manifesting Money, Health & Relationhips | Learn how to attract wealth and good fortune using mind power. The secret of attracting wealth is the right mindset. | Take control – Law of Attraction – NLP coach teaches the Mastery of the LOA in one of the top law of attraction courses | Attract happiness & prosperity with Melissa’s Law of Attraction course! Receive a Manifesting Practitioner Certificate | Unravel the mystery of The Law of Attraction & explore the nature of the universe! Visualisation MP3s – Certified Course | PROVEN technique to manifest your thoughts + INCOME programme | Uncover the Law of Attraction & use it to help you & your clients benefit from all that the law of attraction offers us | The Law of Attraction’s Missing Instructions for Manifesting Your Best Life! | 進入潛意識駕馭吸引力法則,讓財富跟隨你! | 應用進入潛意識的方法,駕馭吸引力法則改變人生,讓財富跟隨你!! |
Law of Attraction and Self Hypnosis Effortless Manifestation
課程老師 | Chris Spink |
課程評價 | 4.4 分(1,016 個評分) |
學生人數 | 10,817 人 |
Hi, my name is Chris and I am a bestselling, author and course instructor, with over 33,000 happy students. Do you have something you want to manifest in your life? If so, then get this bestselling course, Law of Attraction and Self Hypnosis Effortle
- This course is for anybody who is aware of the Law of Attraction or has seen “The Secret” and who would like a simple and effective tool to improve what they think and therefore what they attract into their lives.
- This course is for you if you are aware that you have negative thinking and negative limiting beliefs and want to replace these beliefs with positive empowering thoughts and beliefs.
- I designed this course for anyone who has been struggling with the Law of Attraction, and is tired of relentlessly trying to change their mindset or manifest their heart’s desire and getting no results.
- Anybody who wants to get clear simple to follow steps on how to manifest more money, vibrant health and loving relationships
- This course is for you if you want to totally transform your life and become a better version of yourself.
- Master the Law of Attraction to manifest an amazing life including, manifesting money, better health and loving relationships, effortlessly
- Learn self hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind with the latest neuroscience and create your own unique empowering affirmation
- Happiness: Learn how to be more fulfilled as well as being happier overall – which will in turn, help you manifest more of what you want!
- Eliminate your toxic beliefs so that you can live the life you dream of having where anything is possible
- Allow abundance and prosperity to flow into your life with greater happiness and ease. Reprogram your mind for money-making opportunities
- Attract the right and fulfilling relationships for you. Attract great people into your life and have more rewarding, feel-good relationships
- Manifest vibrant health, fitness and wellness to become more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic
- Use self hypnosis as meditation and mindfulness to reduce harmful stress so you can feel more calm and relaxed
- Get an amazing free gift at the end of course
- Get a free certificate on completion of this life altering course
Prosperous Metaphysics Course: How To Manifest Abundance
課程老師 | Cha~zay Sandhriel Ph.D. |
課程評價 | 4.8 分(1,438 個評分) |
學生人數 | 8,248 人 |
Over 5,500 raving students. Over 900 five-star reviews!
“Unbelievable shift! Yesterday I didn’t even have two nickels to rub together… today I came into EXACTLY $200.00! It was unrea
- This course is appropriate for people of all levels: students, retired people, working professionals, high-income earners, unemployed, and poor or homeless individuals.
- If you want to shift your money story, this course is for you.
- If you want to transmute negative attitude, thought patterns and energies around the issue of money, this course is for you.
- If you are tired and fed up of watching others getting their big break while wealth seems to evade you, this course is for you.
- Whether you are poor, in debt or extremely wealthy, if you have an unhealthy relationship to money, this course is for you.
- This course is NOT for you if you are looking for a work-at-home course.
- This course is NOT for you if you are expecting to get involved in a get-rich-quick-scheme.
- This course is NOT for you if you are content and satisfied with your current status of wealth.
- Ideal for those who want to know how to attract money instantly.
- Great for those who want to know how to attract money spiritually.
- Perfect for those who want to know how to attract money using mind power.
- For those who have been trying to invoking the spirit of money.
- Ideal for those who are interested in the laws of prosperity and abundance.
- For those who are looking for a list of abundance blocks – and how to get rid of those blocks.
- Perfect for those who are looking for the losing money spiritual meaning.
- This metaphysics course is great for those who want to learn the millionaire mindset.
- This course is ideal for those who want to learn how to adopt the mindset of the wealthy.
- This course is ideal for those who are interested in spiritual laws of wealth and abundance.
- Great for those who are looking for the spiritual meaning of money.
- The perfect course for who are looking for spiritual reasons for financial problems and money issues.
- Say good-bye to negative opinions about money; never look at money, prosperity and metaphysics the same way!
- Did you know that the LOA (law of attraction) is not the most important Universal law to study when to attracting true wealth? I’ll show you why and how.
- Metaphysical reasons why debt feels so heavy on your financial shoulders; and how to release the pressure of financial burdens.
- Simple and quick techniques to using EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to release issues around money.
- Get six different fun, effective and quick financial exercises to perform every day for at least 30 days, all of which help in rewiring your mindset around money from “lack” to “plenty.”
- The difference between entrepreneurism and business ownership and where you can put your mind’s focus to increase your wealth.
- How to build multiple, generous and passive (residual) streams of income.
- Find out what your personal financial break-even point is (don’t worry, it’s super easy to learn).
- A complete relationship make-over with money, prosperity and wealth (contains fun exercises).
- How to see and treat money as spiritual energy so it will work for you (rather than you being enslaved to it).
- Once and for all clear the blocks that is keeping prosperity from flowing to you.
- Tools to help you get positive attitudes towards prosperity, wealth and money.
- All about prosperity consciousness and prosperity principles – and how by changing those you change your money story from “lack” to “plenty.”
- How to obtain a “rich mindset” vs a “poor mindset” and you will learn the one thing needed to attract true wealth.
- Understand the (vacuum) law of prosperity that will loosen any blockages you may have around the issue of prosperity, money and wealth..
- Understand wealthy mindset secrets about how chakras can help you attract money.
Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction and your Perfect Life
課程老師 | Matthew Barnett |
課程評價 | 4.3 分(319 個評分) |
學生人數 | 4,353 人 |
Would you like more clarity and direction?
Law of Attraction – Attraction and your Perfect Life – Some recent Feedback:
- Anyone who believes that they are open minded and willing to experiment should take this course and begin to attract their perfect life
- Understand the unconscious mind and how it influences behavior and assists us in attracting our perfect lives.
- Discover the power of rituals and affirmations so that consistent positive energy is attracted to their lives
How to Manifest Using The Law of Attraction Certification
課程老師 | Melissa Crowhurst |
課程評價 | 4.8 分(641 個評分) |
學生人數 | 3,006 人 |
“I have been a student of The Law of Attraction for some time now and this is the best training I have received”- Lorri
“Melissa Crowhurst is an excellent teacher. I have learned a great deal from her classes. S
- No prior knowledge or experience is necessary, however this course does require you to have an open mind and willingness to practice
- Anybody who wants to get clear steps on how to manifest their dreams into reality
- Ideal for Life Coaches, Counselors, Reiki Practitioners, Energy Healers, and so on
- Receive a Real Manifesting Practitioner Certificate upon completion!
- How to manifest happiness and prosperity
- Be able to create positive results in their lives
- Understand the science behind why manifesting actually does work
- Be able to guide and help others towards their own manifesting goals, too!
- Be able to fine-tine their manifesting skills and get real results
What is Consciousness? – Spirituality meets Quantum Physics
課程老師 | Peter Torok |
課程評價 | 4.6 分(417 個評分) |
學生人數 | 2,857 人 |
How does the Law of Attraction work? Explore the nature of the universe & find your power! + Guided visualisation MP3s
Updated for April 2020. This course has been ranked Best Seller & Highest Rated in Personal-development on Udemy.
What is the
- Anyone who are looking to reconnect with their higher self.
- Anyone who would like a comprehensive tool for the Law of Attraction.
- Anyone who would like to attract positive people into their life and have more rewarding, feel-good relationships.
- Anyone who would like to instil positive, empowering thoughts and beliefs.
- Anyone who is interested in learning how to be mindful and how to relieve suffering.
- Anyone who wants to develop new habits, or change old ones.
- Therapists, mentors, counsellors, healthcare workers who want to broaden their skill set.
- Watch scientific experiments about how consciousness manifests matter from energy
- Find the flow state to get into alignment with your higher self and passion
- Learn how we can attract things via mirror neurons, core beliefs and our vibration
- Discover key manifesting facts, which have been left out of The Secret movie
- Use my 5 point step-by-step guide to attract synchronicities, meetings and opportunities
- Investigate concepts of karma, parallel universes and time travel
- Use my guided meditations: releasing resistance, connecting to the universe, finding purpose, silencing the mind
90 Second INSTANT Manifestation Programme + CERTIFICATION
課程老師 | Marc Wynn |
課程評價 | 4.8 分(429 個評分) |
學生人數 | 2,613 人 |
***** Honestly one of the most influential courses I’ve ever taken. Pauline Vidick 5 stars *****
***** Marc is a wonderful trainer who
- Anyone with desire to learn a technique that will transform their life
- The skill of instant manifestation – this is a proven method that is working for 1,000’s of people
- How to think of something and it just happens
- How the spiritual world is helping you manifest your desires 24/7
- How to make $500-$600 per month from running your own events – my personal 8-page training plan is provided
Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)
課程老師 | Graham Nicholls |
課程評價 | 4.6 分(559 個評分) |
學生人數 | 2,570 人 |
This Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Certification is a fully comprehensive course that will guide you through the simple 3 step Law of Attraction process, allowing you to create the life you want while also helping and coaching others to do exa
- Do you want to learn how to use the Law of Attraction to lead the life you want?
- Do you want to help others discover the power of the Law of Attraction while coaching them through the process
- Discover how to use the Law of Attraction to create your life on your terms
- Learn how to help clients with the Law of Attraction and how to get the best out of their life
- Understand the simple 3 step Law of Attraction process and use it for yourself and others
- PLUS: Get a fully downloadable audio version of this Law of Attraction course so that you can learn anywhere
Manifesting your Best Life with Ray Maor
課程老師 | Ray Maor |
課程評價 | 4.9 分(243 個評分) |
學生人數 | 2,453 人 |
While providing you with simple techniques and tools, we will dive with you into the exciting world of reaching your highest human potential.
Your guide, Ray Maor, is a global spiritual mentor that is committed to bringing the self-empowering and s
- The course is created for anyone that understands he can do more in life.
- Those that wish to practically understand the law of attraction and practice with ease.
- People who want to expand their consciousness by learning with a spiritual mentor.
- Those who want to have attract more money and abundance into their lives.
- People that want to be happier and achieve success.
- Attract more money and abundance into their lives.
- Find out their limiting beliefs and the wall of doubt and fear they have.
- Know the 7 step system for manifestation.
- Let go of unnecessary control over their lives and be in a higher state of acceptance.
- Know themselves better – know what their personal, relationship and business goals are.
- Know the best and ultimate methods of affirmations and autosuggestions.
- Know how to raise the frequency of their body higher.
課程老師 | Jessica Sin Man Ao |
課程評價 | 4.4 分(9 個評分) |
學生人數 | 41 人 |
通過潛意識 理解內在的金錢世界
- 渴望更成功的人
- 對創造富裕人生有興趣的人
- 曾應用吸引力法則但生活沒有改變的人
- 生活處於低潮的人
- 持續自我成長的人
- 對自我催眠有興趣的人
- 尋找生活平衡點的人
- 想要自我發現的人
- 吸引力法則可行與不可行
- 如何吸引財富
- 念力的迷思
- 了解時間的幻覺
- 自我催眠的方式
- 去除阻礙成功的潛意識信念
- 認清對與錯的深植信念
- 5種重新建構潛意識信念的工具
- 療癒限制性信念
- 擁有長久快樂的方式
- 生活各方面取得平衡的方式
課程老師 | Jessica Sin Man Ao |
課程評價 | 4.5 分(14 個評分) |
學生人數 | 40 人 |
- 渴望更成功的人
- 對創造富裕人生有興趣的人
- 曾應用吸引力法則但生活沒有改變的人
- 生活處於低潮的人
- 持續自我成長的人
- 對自我催眠有興趣的人
- 尋找生活平衡點的人
- 想要自我發現的人
- 吸引力法則可行與不可行
- 如何吸引財富
- 念力的迷思
- 了解時間的幻覺
- 自我催眠的方式
- 去除阻礙成功的潛意識信念
- 認清對與錯的深植信念
- 5種重新建構潛意識信念的工具
- 療癒限制性信念
- 擁有長久快樂的方式
- 生活各方面取得平衡的方式