


本文章推薦「Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills」、「Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Negotiate Effectively」、「Negotiation Secrets for Master Negotiators」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. 談判課程總覽
  2. 談判課程介紹
  1. Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills
  2. Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Negotiate Effectively
  3. Negotiation Secrets for Master Negotiators
  4. Negotiation Skills: How to Craft Agreements that Give More
  5. [2021] Negotiating: Learn Negotiation Skills in 70 Minutes!
  6. The Art of Negotiation – Become a Master Negotiator
  7. The Painless Negotiation
  8. Negotiation Applied: Practical at Work Negotiating
  9. 會不會談很重要!無往不利的談判心法-基礎篇【音頻課程】
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評價 4.6 分
(12,808 個評分)
4.3 分
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4.4 分
(199 個評分)
4.3 分
(1,581 個評分)
4.5 分
(663 個評分)
4.5 分
(289 個評分)
4.6 分
(131 個評分)
5.0 分
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學生 47,895 人人 11,608 人人 8,267 人人 6,784 人人 5,110 人人 3,623 人人 939 人人 823 人人 10 人人
課程描述Master negotiation with these negotiating tipsLearn The Techniques, Strategies & Styles To Become A Better Negotiator. Negotiation Fundamentals: Get Better DealsMaster the 3 key tools that help you win(-win) your Negotiations (+practical negotiation exercise)A Masterclass in Collaborative Persuasion, Influence, Leadership, Strategy, Understanding Personality & Common TricksUsed by Tesla®, Oracle®, & other successful firms. Boost your skills in B2B sales, contract negotiation, and more.Negotiation Tactics. Negotiation Skills. Salary Negotiation. How to Negotiate. Contract Negotiation. Price Negotiation.Confidently negotiate great B2B business deals in the right way to deliver positive outcomes for you and your customer.Negotiate effectively at work – practical salary negotiation, buying, selling, procurement, pay rise, etc談判,是為了解決問題,而且能夠解決各式各樣的問題。最高級的談判,絕對不是你輸我贏這樣簡單而已,如何找到看不到的談判切入點,避免不小心踩到雷區,一敗塗地,這是一堂你不可錯過的課程!

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Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills

Master negotiation with these negotiating tips

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課程老師Chris Croft
課程評價4.6 分(12,808 個評分)
學生人數47,895 人


Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills

Master negotiation with these negotiating tips

Knowing how to negotiate effectively, and with confidence, is a skill that will change everything. It will make your home life easier, give you



  • Those looking to get great prices both buying and selling
  • People wanting to improve their confidence in negotiating, or hone existing skills
  • Both beginners and experts – this course has lots of little known techniques included
  • Anyone wanting to be richer in their personal and professional life


  • Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
  • Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
  • Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
  • Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
  • Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
  • Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
  • Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn’t diminished without them noticing

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Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Negotiate Effectively

Learn The Techniques, Strategies & Styles To Become A Better Negotiator. Negotiation Fundamentals: Get Better Deals

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課程老師Life Progression Project
課程評價4.3 分(1,970 個評分)
學生人數11,608 人


The ability to create agreement through negotiation is the number one skill in business. Whether you are dealing in million dollar transactions or simply winning others over to your way of thinking, Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Make Deals Out Of



  • Anyone who want’s to learn Negotiation Fundamentals
  • Someone who is interested in making better deals
  • Someone who wants to have more successful negotiations


  • Understand Negotiation Fundamentals; The Principles, Techniques and Gambits
  • Understand Human Cognition and How We Make Decisions
  • Learn The Different Negotiation Styles
  • Learn About Negotiation Power & Pressure Points
  • Learn How to Create Win-Win Without Giving Up What You Really Want

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Negotiation Secrets for Master Negotiators

Master the 3 key tools that help you win(-win) your Negotiations (+practical negotiation exercise)

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課程老師Dr. Claudia Winkler LL.M. (Harvard)
課程評價4.4 分(1,690 個評分)
學生人數8,267 人



Because life is negotiation. Every time we want to achieve something, we are in a negotiation! As a professional, you are challenged to stay on top of your field AND excel in getting the best deals for yourself, your business, or your clients. 



  • All professionals who want to get better results in the big and small, private and professional negotiation encounters
  • Some special focus is also given to negotiating when representing a client (e.g. as a consultant or lawyer)


  • Get better results in every negotiation from tomorrow onward
  • Learn the 3 main skills of a Master Negotiator
  • INTERACTIVE: Practice your skills with a real life negotiation case
  • Learn from your negotiation experience with our debrief videos
  • Build confidence in your negotiation skills
  • Understand how to ask the best questions to get you what you want
  • Know how to prepare in the most effective way
  • Learn how to deal with people for the best results
  • Be trained by a Harvard-educated professional who has trained 1000s of people around the world

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Negotiation Skills: How to Craft Agreements that Give More

A Masterclass in Collaborative Persuasion, Influence, Leadership, Strategy, Understanding Personality & Common Tricks

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課程老師Expert Academy
課程評價4.4 分(199 個評分)
學生人數6,784 人


Why is negotiation important?

We all need to negotiate in our professional and personal lives, but negotiation doesn’t have to be a fight to get what you want. In fact, you’ll create better deals and better relationships through collaboration.

In t



  • Anyone who wants to work with others to produce long term results in their professional and personal lives


  • Negotiate effectively to craft agreements that give everyone more

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[2021] Negotiating: Learn Negotiation Skills in 70 Minutes!

Used by Tesla®, Oracle®, & other successful firms. Boost your skills in B2B sales, contract negotiation, and more.

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課程老師Davis Jones
課程評價4.3 分(1,581 個評分)
學生人數5,110 人


Version 3 Fresh as of November 2020!

5/5 Stars: “I was very impressed with the material in this course. The information was communicated clearly with good examples and the presentation was well organized.” – Ashley Dixon

5/5/ Stars: “Really enjoyed



  • Recruiters and HR professionals involved in compensation package negotiations
  • Salespeople and account managers looking to close deals while preserving long-term relationships
  • Brokers involved in negotiating the sale or purchase of high-dollar assets (e.g. businesses or property)
  • Entrepreneurs or freelancers looking to get fair value for their work while building strong relationships with clients


  • Create value for all parties though integrative bargaining
  • Claim value while collaborating with your counterparties
  • Use pro-social framing to elevate negotiation discussions
  • Close deals through deal creativity and subjective value
  • Earn your negotiating certificate in less than 90 minutes

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The Art of Negotiation – Become a Master Negotiator

Negotiation Tactics. Negotiation Skills. Salary Negotiation. How to Negotiate. Contract Negotiation. Price Negotiation.

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課程老師Dr. Roy Naraine
課程評價4.5 分(663 個評分)
學生人數3,623 人


This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years’ experience in self-improvement training, coaching and counseling.

It has been recorded and produced on a studio quality level.

By enrolling in this course, you will get a lifet



  • This course is suitable for anyone, who wants to massively improve their negotiation skills.


  • Learn and use advanced negotiation tactics.
  • Communicate clearly with the negotiating party.
  • Control the verbal and non-verbal signals.
  • Become assertive during the negotiations.
  • Build a good relationship with the negotiationg party.
  • Learn to reject an offer elegantly.
  • Successfully negotiate a salary raise.
  • Learn about the dirty tricks used during the negotiations.
  • Read and control body language.

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The Painless Negotiation

Confidently negotiate great B2B business deals in the right way to deliver positive outcomes for you and your customer.

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課程老師Steve Thompson
課程評價4.5 分(289 個評分)
學生人數939 人


The Painless Negotiation is an interactive course that addresses one of the critical pressure points in closing any B2B Deal – and that is the “Negotiation.” Throughout the course you will be applying new concepts to YOUR real Negotiation.

Too often



  • My target students are interested in advancing their sales and professional careers by learning to become competent negotiators – particularly when negotiating with customer’s purchasing or procurement departments.


  • Identify and avoid the four common negotiating mistakes.
  • Develop and target a Great Deal that is the right deal for both you and the customer.
  • Identify and analyze the customer Alternative you are negotiating against.
  • Determine which side has the power, who really needs the deal, and whether you can win the business.
  • Develop a Negotiation Plan that Anchors on the “right negotiation.”
  • Negotiate the “right way” to effectively manage customer negotiation tactics and keep the value in the deal for your company.

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Negotiation Applied: Practical at Work Negotiating

Negotiate effectively at work – practical salary negotiation, buying, selling, procurement, pay rise, etc

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課程老師Chris Croft
課程評價4.6 分(131 個評分)
學生人數823 人


Negotiation Applied: Practical at Work Negotiating

Negotiate effectively at work – practical salary negotiation, buying, selling, procurement, pay rise, etc

Knowing how to negotiate effectively, and with confidence, is a skill that can make a hu



  • People wanting to improve their confidence in negotiating, or hone existing skills
  • Those who work in procurement, buying or selling
  • Someone who wants to get a pay rise, and negotiate effectively in job interviews
  • People who have a difficult colleague or boss
  • Anyone wanting to be richer in their personal and professional life
  • People who would like to have more successful and interesting projects at work
  • Both beginners and experts – this course has lots of little known techniques included


  • Applying negotiating theory to real life work scenarios
  • Getting a pay rise, or negotiating your hiring salary
  • How to negotiate when either buying or selling at work
  • Creating a non-confrontational conversation between a difficult colleague or boss
  • Feel calm and confident when negotiating
  • Save both time AND money with effective negotiation
  • A practical step-by-step process that you can use in any negotiation situation
  • Increase your bargaining power and how to combat the techniques that might be used against you
  • How to leverage negotiations for a win-win outcome

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課程老師Joy to know 就去學
課程評價5.0 分(3 個評分)
學生人數10 人



















  • 想要了解什麼是談判的人
  • 工作上需要與人談判的人
  • 希望能精進談判能力的人
  • 任何時候希望創造良好合作機會的人


  • 解析整個談判過程的重點以及流程,讓你更瞭解這個重要的主題。
  • 以清晰的架構建立起談判的框架,讓你可以按部就班的學習。
  • 把課程內容轉化成為每次都可以使用的談判策略與工具,提高談判時的勝率。
  • 讓你從小贏累積到大勝,逐步邁向成功的人生。

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