


本文章推薦「Apache Spark with Scala – Hands On with Big Data!」、「Scala & Functional Programming for Beginners | Rock the JVM」、「Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. Scala課程總覽
  2. Scala課程介紹
  1. Apache Spark with Scala – Hands On with Big Data!
  2. Scala & Functional Programming for Beginners | Rock the JVM
  3. Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning
  4. Streaming Big Data with Spark Streaming and Scala – Hands On
  5. Advanced Scala and Functional Programming | Rock the JVM
  6. Scala Applied, Part 1
  7. Akka Essentials with Scala | Rock the JVM
  8. Scala Applied, Part 2
  9. Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM
  10. Beginning Scala Programming
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評價 4.6 分
(14,026 個評分)
4.6 分
(8,293 個評分)
4.5 分
(4,771 個評分)
4.7 分
(3,091 個評分)
4.8 分
(1,943 個評分)
4.4 分
(1,884 個評分)
4.8 分
(1,325 個評分)
4.7 分
(552 個評分)
4.8 分
(429 個評分)
4.1 分
(615 個評分)
學生 74,190 人人 34,780 人人 28,254 人人 22,982 人人 16,424 人人 8,354 人人 6,988 人人 3,822 人人 3,492 人人 3,457 人人
課程描述Apache Spark tutorial with 20+ hands-on examples of analyzing large data sets, on your desktop or on Hadoop with Scala!Become a Scala programmer and get the skills you need to work with Spark, Akka, and any Scala framework!Learn the latest Big Data technology – Spark and Scala, including Spark 2.0 DataFrames!Spark Streaming tutorial covering Spark Structured Streaming, Kafka integration, and streaming big data in real-time.For Scala developers: become a top level Scala programmer so you can rock Spark, Akka, Cats or any Scala tool!Introduction to programming in the Scala language. Core syntax and concepts.Learn the Akka actor model with Scala and write parallel, concurrent and fault-tolerant systemsIntroduction to programming in the Scala language. Scala language features.A must-have for Scala and Akka developers: write reactive microservices and REST APIs with Akka HTTP and ScalaGain a solid understanding of programming with Scala – A course for beginners

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Apache Spark with Scala – Hands On with Big Data!

Apache Spark tutorial with 20+ hands-on examples of analyzing large data sets, on your desktop or on Hadoop with Scala!

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課程老師Sundog Education by Frank Kane
課程評價4.6 分(14,026 個評分)
學生人數74,190 人


New! Completely updated and re-recorded for Spark 3, IntelliJ, Structured Streaming, and a stronger focus on the DataSet API.

“Big data” analysis is a hot and highly valuable skill – and this course will teach you the hottest technology in big data:



  • Software engineers who want to expand their skills into the world of big data processing on a cluster
  • If you have no previous programming or scripting experience, you’ll want to take an introductory programming course first.


  • Frame big data analysis problems as Apache Spark scripts
  • Develop distributed code using the Scala programming language
  • Optimize Spark jobs through partitioning, caching, and other techniques
  • Build, deploy, and run Spark scripts on Hadoop clusters
  • Process continual streams of data with Spark Streaming
  • Transform structured data using SparkSQL, DataSets, and DataFrames
  • Traverse and analyze graph structures using GraphX
  • Analyze massive data set with Machine Learning on Spark

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Scala & Functional Programming for Beginners | Rock the JVM

Become a Scala programmer and get the skills you need to work with Spark, Akka, and any Scala framework!

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課程老師Daniel Ciocîrlan
課程評價4.6 分(8,293 個評分)
學生人數34,780 人


In this course, we will learn the basics of Scala and functional programming, two highly in-demand topics in software industry today. Write 3000+ lines of Scala code yourself, with guidance, through 100+ examples and exercises.

Why Scala:

it’s curr



  • programmers with little or no experience with Scala or functional programming


  • understand Scala code in production environments or open-source projects
  • think code differently with functional programming
  • write applications in Scala from scratch
  • contribute to products and open-source projects written in Scala
  • skills to start developing with powerful tools on top of Scala: Spark, Akka, Play

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Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning

Learn the latest Big Data technology – Spark and Scala, including Spark 2.0 DataFrames!

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課程老師Jose Portilla
課程評價4.5 分(4,771 個評分)
學生人數28,254 人


Learn how to utilize some of the most valuable tech skills on the market today, Scala and Spark! In this course we will show you how to use Scala and Spark to analyze Big Data.

Scala and Spark are two of the most in demand skills right now, and wit



  • Someone who already knows how to program and is interested in learning Big Data Technologies
  • Interested in using Spark with Scala for Machine Learning with Large Data Sets


  • Use Scala for Programming
  • Use Spark 2.0 DataFrames to read and manipulate data
  • Use Spark to Process Large Datasets
  • Understand hot to use Spark on AWS and DataBricks

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Streaming Big Data with Spark Streaming and Scala – Hands On

Spark Streaming tutorial covering Spark Structured Streaming, Kafka integration, and streaming big data in real-time.

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課程老師Sundog Education by Frank Kane
課程評價4.7 分(3,091 個評分)
學生人數22,982 人


New! Updated for Spark 3.0.0!

“Big Data” analysis is a hot and highly valuable skill. Thing is, “big data” never stops flowing! Spark Streaming is a new and quickly developing technology for processing massive data sets as they are created – why wai



  • Students with some prior programming or scripting ability SHOULD take this course.
  • If you’re working for a company with “big data” that is being generated continuously, or hope to work for one, this course is for you.
  • Students with no prior software engineering or programming experience should seek an introductory programming course first.


  • Process massive streams of real-time data using Spark Streaming
  • Integrate Spark Streaming with data sources, including Kafka, Flume, and Kinesis
  • Use Spark 2’s Structured Streaming API
  • Create Spark applications using the Scala programming language
  • Output transformed real-time data to Cassandra or file systems
  • Integrate Spark Streaming with Spark SQL to query streaming data in real time
  • Train machine learning models with streaming data, and use those models for real-time predictions
  • Ingest Apache access log data and transform streams of it
  • Receive real-time streams of Twitter feeds
  • Maintain stateful data across a continuous stream of input data
  • Query streaming data across sliding windows of time

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Advanced Scala and Functional Programming | Rock the JVM

For Scala developers: become a top level Scala programmer so you can rock Spark, Akka, Cats or any Scala tool!

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課程老師Daniel Ciocîrlan
課程評價4.8 分(1,943 個評分)
學生人數16,424 人


In this course, we will learn the tricks used by the top 1% of Scala developers. You’ll write 2000+ lines of Scala code yourself, with guidance, and you will become a rockstar.

This course is for Scala programmers who need to design complex, scalabl



  • Scala developers who need to design highly complex systems, APIs or frameworks
  • Big data engineers who need to customize Spark code or other tools written in Scala


  • Master the Scala language at the level of the best developers
  • Master functional programming
  • Design and implement complex systems, frameworks and APIs
  • Confidently customize and enhance existing Scala tools
  • Think and approach code with maturity and a deep understanding of implications

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Scala Applied, Part 1

Introduction to programming in the Scala language. Core syntax and concepts.

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課程老師Dick Wall
課程評價4.4 分(1,884 個評分)
學生人數8,354 人


After taking Scala Applied part 1, you will be able to:

Use the REPL (the Scala Interactive Shell) for experimentation and fun

Understand the basics of Scala syntax, including val, var, def, if, while, try, for and more

Create classes, objects and



  • Anyone interested in programming using the Scala programming language
  • Students should have some programming experience in another language, but no prior Scala language knowledge is assumed.
  • Developers wanting to get to a good working knowledge of Scala as quickly as possible


  • Use the REPL (the Scala Interactive Shell) for experimentation and fun
  • Understand the basics of Scala syntax, including val, var, def, if, while, try, for and more
  • Create classes, objects and instances
  • Define and use function literals and higher order functions
  • Understand the basics of Scala’s type inference and how to use it
  • Write custom control structures to augment those built into the language
  • Start down the path of a more functional style of programming
  • Be ready for Part 2 of Stairway to Scala Applied, which will dig into some of the differences between Scala and other languages

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Akka Essentials with Scala | Rock the JVM

Learn the Akka actor model with Scala and write parallel, concurrent and fault-tolerant systems

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課程老師Daniel Ciocîrlan
課程評價4.8 分(1,325 個評分)
學生人數6,988 人


In this course, we will learn how to write concurrent and resilient applications using Akka actors. You’ll write 2000+ lines of Akka code yourself, with guidance, and you will become a rockstar.

This course is for Scala programmers who need to desig



  • Scala developers who need to design complex distributed systems
  • developers looking to get into the field of fast data


  • create concurrent applications with actors instead of threads and locks
  • design fault-tolerant systems with supervision
  • configure Akka for various scenarios
  • confidently test actor systems
  • use Akka patterns and best practices

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Scala Applied, Part 2

Introduction to programming in the Scala language. Scala language features.

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課程老師Dick Wall
課程評價4.7 分(552 個評分)
學生人數3,822 人


Scala Applied, Part 2 covers Scala features that are different from other languages or maybe unique to Scala. It is intended to follow on from Part 1, and dovetails nicely into that flow. In particular, by following this course you will:




  • Anyone wanting to learn the Scala programming language
  • This is part 2 of a 3 part course, please check you have skills equivalent to part 1 before taking this course
  • We do assume the student has some programming knowledge in a modern programming language


  • Understand Scala’s composition and inheritance features
  • Create abstract classes and pure abstract members (methods and fields)
  • Override and overload methods
  • Create primary and auxiliary constructors
  • Call superclass constructors and methods
  • Understand and use parametric fields
  • Create factory methods in companion objects
  • Construct simple DSLs (Domain Specific Languages)
  • Understand top and bottom types and how Scala uses them
  • Write correct equals and hashCode methods
  • Use traits to mix behavior into classes
  • Know the different styles of packages and visibility modifiers
  • Be able to import anything from anywhere
  • Write pre-conditions and post-conditions
  • Test your code with unit testing

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Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM

A must-have for Scala and Akka developers: write reactive microservices and REST APIs with Akka HTTP and Scala

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課程老師Daniel Ciocîrlan
課程評價4.8 分(429 個評分)
學生人數3,492 人


In this course, we will learn how to write reactive microservices, backends and REST APIs using the powerful Akka HTTP. You’ll write 2000+ lines of Akka code yourself, with guidance, and you will become a rockstar.

This course is for Scala/Akka prog



  • Scala/Akka developers who need to design reactive backends, REST APIs and microservices


  • Reactive microservices
  • REST APIs in minutes
  • Server and Client-side HTTP
  • JSON integration
  • Websockets
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) authorization
  • Seamless interaction with Akka Actors and Akka Streams

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Beginning Scala Programming

Gain a solid understanding of programming with Scala – A course for beginners

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課程老師Infinite Skills
課程評價4.1 分(615 個評分)
學生人數3,457 人


This Scala training course from Infinite Skills teaches you everything you need to know about the Scala programming language. This course is designed for users that already have some programming experience.

You will start by learning the language b



  • Developers and programmers


  • Gain a solid understanding of programming in Scala
  • A beginners course that teaches the fundamentals of the Scala programming language

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