本文章推薦「SOLID Principles: Introducing Software Architecture & Design」、「Clean Code」、「Clean Code with Java examples」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。
- SOLID Principles: Introducing Software Architecture & Design
- Clean Code
- Clean Code with Java examples
- Clean Code with PHP examples
- How to Become a Senior Developer – Beyond coding skills
- Software Quality: 8 Essential KPIs for Quality Assurance
- Writing Clean Code
- Navigating the Complexities of Software License Agreements
- Sitefinity for Site Contributors
- Chamilo Course Builder certification prep
課程資訊 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
評價 | 4.7 分 (6,431 個評分) | 4.7 分 (2,563 個評分) | 4.5 分 (62 個評分) | 4.2 分 (43 個評分) | 4.6 分 (152 個評分) | 4.6 分 (30 個評分) | 4.8 分 (47 個評分) | 4.8 分 (51 個評分) | 4.8 分 (21 個評分) | 4.6 分 (15 個評分) |
學生 | 23,347 人人 | 18,517 人人 | 12,264 人人 | 8,604 人人 | 8,017 人人 | 7,203 人人 | 317 人人 | 178 人人 | 60 人人 | 59 人人 |
課程描述 | Gain mastery over SOLID Principles and write clean and well-designed code in Object Oriented Languages like Java etc. | Learn how to write readable, understandable and therefore maintainable code – step by step, in an example-driven way | In this Clean Code Java course you will learn useful software principles that you can use in your every day programming. | Learn Clean Code to become a better PHP developer, write easy to maintain code and do better at interviews. | The path to becoming a senior developer is clear, with these easily applicable lessons on mastering your craft | Essential Quality Assurance knowledge for DevOps teams, architects, testers and security! Quality Assurance is key! | Implementing maintainable, readable and easy to understand code in any programming language | Software License Agreements | Master the use of Sitefinity as a Business Analyst | Prepare your Chamilo (v1) Course Builder (CHACOBU) certification exam by learning with Yannick Warnier, Chamilo founder |
SOLID Principles: Introducing Software Architecture & Design
課程老師 | Sujith George |
課程評價 | 4.7 分(6,431 個評分) |
學生人數 | 23,347 人 |
Anyone can code. But what differentiates a professional software engineer from a hobbyist coder is how well-designed and well-coded the final product is. Code quality is hard to come by. Unfortunately, most coders start straight without understa
- Programmers who want to write quality code.
- Developers who want to create well-designed software.
- Wannabe software architects.
- Anyone can code, but quality code is hard to come by. Make yourself stand out by learning how to write quality code.
- Learn basic software architecture by applying SOLID principles.
- Apply SOLID principles in order to write quality code, as a software engineer.
- Well-crafted illustrations to help understand the basic concepts. Minimal bullet point slides.
- Learn what differentiates elegant and robust code from badly designed code.
- Get the concepts right using real world analogies.
- Live sessions where existing code is analyzed and design holes are picked.
- Hands-on sessions where existing code is re-designed and revamped after applying SOLID design principles.
Clean Code
課程老師 | Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller |
課程評價 | 4.7 分(2,563 個評分) |
學生人數 | 18,517 人 |
As a developer, you should be able to write code which works – of course!
Unfortunately, a lot of developers write bad code nonetheless – even though the code works. Because “working code” is not the same as “clean code”!
This course teaches you ho
- Developers who want to ensure that their code does not just work but it also easy to read, understand and maintain
- Everyone who’s serious about development and writing real-life code
- Learn how to write code which is readable and understandable
- Keep code alive by increasing maintainability with clean code
- Learn about key principles, rules and concepts that allow you to write clean code
- Learn with hands-on examples and “bad to good code” transformations
Clean Code with Java examples
課程老師 | Liviu Oprisan |
課程評價 | 4.5 分(62 個評分) |
學生人數 | 12,264 人 |
This is a course about useful clean code principles.
My aim is to teach you concepts that you can use every time you write code.
The course has Java examples and I sometimes mention things like Spring and Lombok.
The same clean code principles apply
- Starter developers that want to learn clean code to write maintainable applications
- Intermediate developers that want to improve their clean code skills
- Senior developers that want to fine tune their clean code mastery and like programming principles
- How to write clean code
- How to keep your functions small
- How to name your variables, functions and classes
- How many parameters a function should have
- What to do about boolean, nullable and return parameters
- How clean code affected MVC
- How to beautify predicates
- Why comments are bad and when you can use them
- The difference between an OOP object and a Data Structure Object
- What kind of exceptions to use
- Why composition is good and inheritance is bad
- What are the symptoms of bad code
- What state is and why it’s important
- Why your code should have low coupling and high cohesion
- How to avoid spaghetti code
- What are Command and Query separation, Tell Don’t Ask and The Law of Demeter
- The test pyramid and TDD
- How over-engineering is not a solution to bad code
Clean Code with PHP examples
課程老師 | Liviu Oprisan |
課程評價 | 4.2 分(43 個評分) |
學生人數 | 8,604 人 |
This is a course about useful clean code principles.
My aim is to teach you concepts that you can use every time you write code.
Clean Code can help you:
– Write better PHP code and thus become a better PHP programmer
– Create easy to maintain
- PHP developers
- How to write clean code in PHP
- Why it’s important to keep functions small
- How to name variables, functions and classes
- How many parameters a functions should have
- How clean code affected MVC
- How to beautify predicates
- Why comments are bad and when you can use them
- The difference between an OOP object and a Data Structure Object
- Why composition is good and inheritance is bad
- What are the symptoms of bad code
- What state is and why it’s important
- Why your code should have low coupling and high cohesion
- How to avoid spaghetti code
- What are Command and Query separation, Tell Don’t Ask and The Law of Demeter
- How over-engineering is not a solution to bad code
How to Become a Senior Developer – Beyond coding skills
課程老師 | Oren Abbou |
課程評價 | 4.6 分(152 個評分) |
學生人數 | 8,017 人 |
Here are what some people say about this course:
I’ve found this course to be invaluable in the sense that it has shown me where I need to improve and information on how to go about doing so.
There are plenty of good advice that I’ll be using in my
- Students of any programming language before their first job
- Junior software developers who want to become Senior Software Developers
- Intermediate software developers who want to become Senior Software Developers
- Create software with minimum bugs
- Solve bugs efficiently
- Plan your technologies learning path
- How to stand out in your team
- How to be productive as a developer
- How to constantly improve
- Many other critical skills and techniques
Software Quality: 8 Essential KPIs for Quality Assurance
課程老師 | Soerin Bipat |
課程評價 | 4.6 分(30 個評分) |
學生人數 | 7,203 人 |
Are your systems build for change?
Are you measuring technical debt?
Are you suffering from low developer productivity?
Did you know that secure software follows software quality?
If you can not answer these questions, this course is made for you! W
- Product owner
- Project managers
- Software developers / software engineer
- Software manager / software architect
- SCRUM master
- Quality manager
- Software contract manager
- Manage technical debt
- How to reduce errors in production
- Improve time-to-market
- How to reduce developer turnover
- Assess software quality
- Architectural metrics for software system
Writing Clean Code
課程老師 | Mohammad Azam |
課程評價 | 4.8 分(47 個評分) |
學生人數 | 317 人 |
In this course, you will learn how to write Clean Code. Clean code refers to the code that is easy to understand and maintain in the long term. This course is language independent, which means you can use any programming language to follow along.
- Developers who wants to learn how to write clean code
- Developers who wants to take their skills to the next level
- Developers who are passionate to learn new techniques to improve their code
- Writing maintainable, readable code
- Writing clean code
- Learn best techniques for writing understandable code
- Learn to write smaller, reusable functions
- Learn the concepts of single responsibility principle
課程老師 | Masih Bahadori |
課程評價 | 4.8 分(51 個評分) |
學生人數 | 178 人 |
As the use of information technology has played an increasingly more important role in the public and private sector, the need to draft, negotiate, and execute software license agreements has also grown significantly. Unfortunately, many business ow
- Any business professional who is reviewing or negotiating information technology contracts
- Information Technology Experts
- Business Owners
- Lawyers
- Procurement Professional
- Chief Technology Officer
- Entrepreneurs
- Information technology contract
- Software license agreement
- Cloud computing contract
- Technology terms and conditions
課程老師 | Lino Tadros |
課程評價 | 4.8 分(21 個評分) |
學生人數 | 60 人 |
This course is for Business Analysts and Marketers who want to learn how to use Sitefinity efficiently.
Student will learn how to work with:
Pages & Templates,
Content Blocks and Editors
Media Content
News Module
Blogs, Events and Lists
- Business Analysts and Marketers wanting to master the use of Sitefinity
- How to use Progress Sitefinity efficiently
- How to work with Pages and Templates
- How to work with Modules (News, Blogs, Events, etc…)
- How to work with Media Content (Images, Videos and Documents
- How to work with Forms
- How to work with Content Editors
- How to work with Mobile Responsive Design and Bootstrap
- How to work with Personalization and User Segments
Chamilo Course Builder certification prep
課程老師 | Yannick Warnier |
課程評價 | 4.6 分(15 個評分) |
學生人數 | 59 人 |
This course is for all teachers and instructional designers who want to be able to manage their own courses on a learning management system to give increased value to their students.
Chamilo LMS is a platform like Udemy but with more to
- Teacher (any level)
- Instructional designer
- Understanding the basics of the Chamilo Learning Management Software (v1.*)
- Being able to create an accoun
- Being able to create a course
- Being able to upload documents in a course
- Being able to create an auto-scored test
- Being able to subscribe students to one’s course
- Being able to track one’s students’ progress
- Being able to take and restore course copies through the course backup tool
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