


本文章推薦「Understanding TypeScript – 2021 Edition」、「Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers」、「Angular 2+ with Typescript – Essential Training」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. TypeScript課程總覽
  2. TypeScript課程介紹
  1. Understanding TypeScript – 2021 Edition
  2. Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers
  3. Angular 2+ with Typescript – Essential Training
  4. Typescript: The Complete Developer’s Guide
  5. Angular Essentials (Angular 2+ with TypeScript)
  6. Angular 2 Crash Course with TypeScript
  7. Introduction to TypeScript Development
  8. Using TypeScript with React
  9. Typescript Masterclass & FREE E-Book
  10. TypeScript 中文基础课程
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評價 4.7 分
(24,138 個評分)
4.5 分
(16,870 個評分)
4.6 分
(1,765 個評分)
4.7 分
(7,224 個評分)
4.6 分
(3,925 個評分)
4.5 分
(712 個評分)
4.5 分
(2,348 個評分)
4.5 分
(943 個評分)
4.8 分
(550 個評分)
4.3 分
(11 個評分)
學生 115,008 人人 69,045 人人 57,806 人人 40,921 人人 29,242 人人 20,334 人人 9,168 人人 5,954 人人 4,153 人人 45 人人
課程描述Don’t limit the Usage of TypeScript to Angular! Learn the Basics, its Features, Workflows and how to use it!Have limited time to learn Angular 4 (Angular 2+)? Take this course and learn Angular in 10 hours!Learn Angular 2 (or 4) from the ground up | This course combines a Project, Slides and Quizzes | Perfect for beginnersMaster Typescript by learning popular design patterns and building complex projects. Includes React and Express!The most efficient way to dive into Angular 2+ if you got limited time or need to refresh the basics!Get in-depth knowledge of Angular 2 and TypeScript with this crash course for all skill levels.Get ready to build React, Vue and Angular web and mobile applications by learning the TypeScript programming language.Learn how to use TypeScript to build React projects (including Next.js and Apollo GraphQL).Learn Typescript: Build a Node REST API in Typescript, query it with Angular学习TypeScript的基础知识,工作流程以及如何使用它!

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Understanding TypeScript – 2021 Edition

Don’t limit the Usage of TypeScript to Angular! Learn the Basics, its Features, Workflows and how to use it!

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課程老師Maximilian Schwarzmüller
課程評價4.7 分(24,138 個評分)
學生人數115,008 人


This course was completely updated, reflects the latest version of TypeScript and incorporated tons of student feedback.

Most People know TypeScript from Angular 2+. It’s the Language you have to use there, right?

It’s more than that! 




  • This Course is for every student who wants to extend his or her horizon beyond vanilla JavaScript
  • Everyone learning Angular should definitely understand how TypeScript works


  • Use TypeScript and its Features like Types, ES6 Support, Classes, Modules, Interfaces and much more in any of their Projects
  • Understand what TypeScript really is about and how it works
  • Why TypeScript offers a real advantage over vanilla JavaScript
  • Learn TypeScript both in theory as well as applied to real use-cases and projects
  • Learn how to combine TypeScript with ReactJS or NodeJS / Express

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Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers

Have limited time to learn Angular 4 (Angular 2+)? Take this course and learn Angular in 10 hours!

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課程老師Mosh Hamedani
課程評價4.5 分(16,870 個評分)
學生人數69,045 人


Chances are you have heard that Angular developers are in demand these days. And you are here to learn Angular fast. 

There are tons of great courses out there for learning Angular. But most these courses are more than 20 hours long. If you’re a



  • Web developers wanting to build apps with Angular 2+


  • Master the essential Angular concepts
  • Troubleshoot common runtime errors
  • Write cleaner, more maintainable code

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Angular 2+ with Typescript – Essential Training

Learn Angular 2 (or 4) from the ground up | This course combines a Project, Slides and Quizzes | Perfect for beginners

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課程老師Patrick Schroeder
課程評價4.6 分(1,765 個評分)
學生人數57,806 人


*** Updated for latest version of Angular 2. Project works with Angular 4. ***

Learn all the essentials of building Angular 2+ applications right here. 

This is a beginner level course aimed at those new to Angular 2 and Typescript.  No previous k



  • Beginners to Angular 2


  • Understand the Fundamental Concepts of Angular 2
  • Develop Angular 2+ Applications using Best Practices
  • Learn and Use TypeScript
  • Understand Modules, Components, Routing and Services
  • Understand HTTP and Observables
  • Know how to pass Data between components using Input and Output

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Typescript: The Complete Developer’s Guide

Master Typescript by learning popular design patterns and building complex projects. Includes React and Express!

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課程老師Stephen Grider
課程評價4.7 分(7,224 個評分)
學生人數40,921 人


Composition vs Inheritance? You’ll understand it.  Build your own web framework? You’ll do it.  Typescript with React/Redux?  It’s here!


This is the best course online for mastering Typescript.

Every other course online teache



  • Any Javascript developer looking to understand how to structure large codebases


  • Master design patterns for building large applications
  • Integrate Typescript into React/Redux or Express projects
  • Understand Composition vs Inheritance, and when to use each
  • Write reusable code powered by classes and interfaces
  • Assemble reusable boilerplates for your own Typescript projects

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Angular Essentials (Angular 2+ with TypeScript)

The most efficient way to dive into Angular 2+ if you got limited time or need to refresh the basics!

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課程老師Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
課程評價4.6 分(3,925 個評分)
學生人數29,242 人


Angular is an amazing JavaScript (TypeScript) framework which allows you to build small, medium or large Single-Page-Applications (SPAs). Since the code runs entirely in the browser, you can build user experiences which are way faster than traditiona



  • Anyone who wants to learn how to create reactive web applications providing awesome user experiences
  • Everyone interested in building single-page-applications (SPAs) with one of the most powerful frameworks you can use as of today


  • Build highly reactive and user-friendly web applications running in the browser (driven by JavaScript)
  • Dive deeper into Angular with very solid fundamentals taught by this course

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Angular 2 Crash Course with TypeScript

Get in-depth knowledge of Angular 2 and TypeScript with this crash course for all skill levels.

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課程老師Stone River eLearning
課程評價4.5 分(712 個評分)
學生人數20,334 人


There’s no way around it. If you want to gain a competitive edge in UI/UX design, web development, or anything to do with mobile and desktop web apps, then you need to know Angular JS. Better yet, you need to know Angular 2, the latest version. This



  • This course was built for web developers who design and build UI/UX solutions for mobile and the web. This course is designed for those developers who want to design with Angular2 as easily as they can with other JavaScript frameworks. Of course, the info presented here is just as valuable for architects, testers, and product managers as they too should understand how Angular2 is designed and used in a complete web solution.


  • Code an Angular2 Project with an Online IDE
  • Learn to code with TypeScript and use it’s data typing features
  • Understand and use Angular2’s Component paradigm
  • Use Angular2’s powerful data binding features
  • Use Angular2’s improved Pipes to transform displayed data
  • Implement Interfaces in Angular2
  • Compose Components with Angular2’s Component Nesting capabilities
  • Implement Services in an Angular2 application
  • Use Dependency Injection to keep an Angular2 application lean
  • Integrate with Web Services using Reactive Extension’s Observables
  • Implement Routing in Angular2
  • Understand what Angular2 is, and how it can help you as a developer … and much, much more!

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Introduction to TypeScript Development

Get ready to build React, Vue and Angular web and mobile applications by learning the TypeScript programming language.

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課程老師Jordan Hudgens
課程評價4.5 分(2,348 個評分)
學生人數9,168 人


April 2021 course update: Added an entire section that shows how to build a React application with TypeScript 4! Also added a new Advanced Techniques section

Do you want to build Angular, React JS, or Vue JS web and mobile applications? If that’s yo



  • Students who want to learn the foundational concepts required for Angular, React, or Vue development
  • Students aspiring to learning the TypeScript programming language.
  • No programming experience is necessary for this course


  • Be ready to move onto building Angular, React and Vue applications.
  • Code with the TypeScript programming language.
  • Work with TypeScript classes and object oriented programming concepts.

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Using TypeScript with React

Learn how to use TypeScript to build React projects (including Next.js and Apollo GraphQL).

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課程老師Dmytro Danylov
課程評價4.5 分(943 個評分)
學生人數5,954 人


What is this course about?

Nowadays, TypeScript and React are extremely popular in the world of front end, and many companies use them to develop their web apps. Therefore, being able to build React apps using TypeScript is quite a valuable skill in



  • People who have worked on React applications in the past and now want to learn how to integrate TypeScript into React projects.


  • Basic and advanced features of TypeScript
  • Using TypeScript in React projects
  • Writing types for React patterns (higher order components, render props, etc)
  • How to integrate TypeScript into a Create React App with Redux
  • How to build a NextJS web app which uses the GraphQL API using TypeScript
  • Using types provided by third-party packages and creating custom type definitions
  • Using React with TypeScript in general

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Typescript Masterclass & FREE E-Book

Learn Typescript: Build a Node REST API in Typescript, query it with Angular

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課程老師Angular University
課程評價4.8 分(550 個評分)
學生人數4,153 人


Important:  By enrolling you also get very fast and friendly student assistance. If you have questions please post a question and i’ll get back to you ASAP. Remember I’m here (every day) to help you and can answer you also in French and Spanish if yo



  • Professional Developers that are looking to keep current by learning the latest programming language of the web development world
  • Backend Developers doing a transition to full stack development
  • Backend Developers that want to improve their frontend skills
  • Developers that want to learn how to build Angular programs, but want to start by learning Typescript first
  • Javascript Developers in general that use node as a backend server and would like to learn how to write node in Typescript
  • Javascript Developers looking to learn Typescript


  • Code in Github repository with downloadable ZIP files per section
  • Use Typescript with confidence in a full stack development context
  • Learn how to build Node Js processes with Typescript
  • Learn how to build a small Angular application using the Angular CLI
  • Have an Angular Client that queries an HTTP REST API using the Angular HTTP Module
  • Have deep understanding of the Typescript 2 Type System, and know how to leverage it in practice
  • know how to import third party type definitions and use them to build better programs
  • Understand the benefits of Type Safety and leverage them to build better programs
  • Know How to Build a small REST API with Express and Typescript
  • Know how to query a SQL database using Sequelize and Typescript

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TypeScript 中文基础课程


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課程老師Chinavane Ocean
課程評價4.3 分(11 個評分)
學生人數45 人



1. TypeScript介绍
2. TypeScript中的数据类型
3. 函数
4. TypeScript中的类
5. 接口
6. 泛型
7. 模块化与命名空间
8. 修饰器




  • 网页开发人员
  • 想使用TypeScript进行开发的编程人员


  • 了解TypeScript到底是是什么以及它是如何工作的
  • 为什么TypeScript提供了优于普通JavaScript的真正优势
  • 在任何项目中使用TypeScript及其功能,如类型,类,模块,接口等

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