


本文章推薦「New SAT Math Course」、「New SAT Reading 800: Guaranteed Results」、「New SAT Writing 800: Guaranteed Results」等相關LinkedIn線上課程,讓您滿足學習的慾望。

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  1. SAT課程總覽
  2. SAT課程介紹
  1. New SAT Math Course
  2. New SAT Reading 800: Guaranteed Results
  3. New SAT Writing 800: Guaranteed Results
  4. Power 800 SAT Math (NEW SAT)
  5. Hacking the SAT Math: Complete SAT Math Prep Course (2020)
  6. The New SAT Video Series
  7. Beat the SAT Math
  8. New SAT 2020 | Video Solns to 580 Official Study Guide Math
  9. SAT & ACT Mastery: The complete prep course
  10. SAT Prep in 1 Minute Lessons plus NEW longer videos!
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評價 4.4 分
(122 個評分)
4.4 分
(1,092 個評分)
4.3 分
(642 個評分)
4.4 分
(453 個評分)
4.0 分
(105 個評分)
4.2 分
(243 個評分)
4.5 分
(75 個評分)
4.3 分
(95 個評分)
4.3 分
(75 個評分)
4.7 分
(75 個評分)
學生 43,312 人人 4,326 人人 3,585 人人 3,021 人人 2,080 人人 1,426 人人 761 人人 672 人人 341 人人 300 人人
課程描述grasp the new SAT math skill in all sectionsA proven way to ace the SAT Reading section.Master the SAT Writing section by learning a few simple rules.The ultimate video tutorial and prep program for SAT math domination for the new version of the SAT.Learn math fundamentals and math hacks to master SAT Math reinforced with quizzesThe NEW SAT Video Series prepares students for the changing SAT and PSAT exams.Topic by topic questions and explanations with proven techniques to raise your score!I assume you know nothing! Learn quick & efficient ways to solve all 580 Math Questions in the Official SAT Study GuideAchieve the highest possible SAT & ACT scores with step-by-step lessons.English: Reading, Sentence Completion, Vocabulary, Spelling, Math: Algebra, Numbers, Functions; Bonus – Study Skills!

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New SAT Math Course

grasp the new SAT math skill in all sections

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課程老師Kim Chen
課程評價4.4 分(122 個評分)
學生人數43,312 人


Course Summary  

 In this Complete New SAT Math Course, you’ll learn and practice the methods in doing the new SAT math by solving the math with me. You’ll learn how to do it fast, accurate and without wasting time to write redundant steps to solve



  • One feel difficult to tackle the algebra questons


  • to learn the heart of algebra easily

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New SAT Reading 800: Guaranteed Results

A proven way to ace the SAT Reading section.

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課程老師Philip Lee
課程評價4.4 分(1,092 個評分)
學生人數4,326 人


This is a comprehensive course that will teach you how to score perfectly on the reading section.

You will learn how to connect the passage, questions, and answers in order to pick the right answer every time. I have helped students who have tried e



  • This course is for students willing to practice the skills learned in this course on the official practice tests.


  • Understand the components of the reading test.
  • Know where to look for an answer in the passage.
  • Pick the correct answer from given choices.

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New SAT Writing 800: Guaranteed Results

Master the SAT Writing section by learning a few simple rules.

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課程老師Philip Lee
課程評價4.3 分(642 個評分)
學生人數3,585 人


In this course, you will learn how to master Writing & Language section of the SAT. This course is for you if you usually pick an answer based on “what sounds right.”

Learn how to pick an answer based on

Connected meaning – pick an answer that conn



  • Students willing to put the time and effort into learning the rules and applying them to each question.
  • NOT for students who aren’t willing to put practice applying these skills.


  • Answer every multiple choice question with confidence

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Power 800 SAT Math (NEW SAT)

The ultimate video tutorial and prep program for SAT math domination for the new version of the SAT.

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Huzefa Kapadia
課程評價4.4 分(453 個評分)
學生人數3,021 人


This course is a one stop shop to prep for the math portion of the new and redesigned SAT. I have spent almost an entire year studying and categorizing all of the math SAT problems given in the College Board’s Official SAT Study Guide. Additionally,



  • This course is meant for anyone seeking an augmented SAT math score. Unlike the verbal portion of the exam, it is possible to learn and master all of the relevant math concepts in a relatively short amount of time. For students who are facing a TIME CRUNCH, this course is especially well-tailored because it is organized based on frequency. For example, the first 25% of the course provides all necessary information to answer more than half of the SAT math questions.


  • Answer every single type of math question on the SAT
  • Understand all tested concepts
  • Approach each problem systematically and strategically

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Hacking the SAT Math: Complete SAT Math Prep Course (2020)

Learn math fundamentals and math hacks to master SAT Math reinforced with quizzes

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課程老師Mason Tang
課程評價4.0 分(105 個評分)
學生人數2,080 人


     This course is designed to help you master the math portion of the new SAT through math hacks and math fundamentals. The hardest part of the math SAT is understanding what the question is asking you. In my course you will learn how to read the S



  • Students taking the SAT


  • How to read Sat Math Questions
  • Math Shortcuts and Tricks
  • Fundamental Core Concepts of Math
  • Master SAT Math Concepts
  • Quizzes to Reinforce Learning

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The New SAT Video Series

The NEW SAT Video Series prepares students for the changing SAT and PSAT exams.

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課程老師Jesse Patrick
課程評價4.2 分(243 個評分)
學生人數1,426 人


This course provides an in-depth overview of the NEW SAT, which starts with this years PSAT in October 2015 and continues with the SAT in March 2016. Every example and concept directly correlates to concepts that are taught on the new SAT. The SAT is



  • It is expected that you have a basic knowledge of High School level math up to at least Algebra 2. If you struggle mightily in math, you may still take this course, but may need to supplement your skills during certain sections. Average to above average students should be able to follow the instruction and quickly apply the skills learned.
  • This class can be taken with no supplementary materials, but doing so will hinder your progress. Purchase the following book: The Official SAT Study Guide (For the NEW SAT starting in March 2016) by the CollegeBoard. CollegeBoard is the maker of the SAT and is the go to resource for official SAT practice. This course provides gives homework and math concordance charts to The Official SAT Study to practice specific skills. If you don’t wish to purchase the book, you can download the tests on Khan Academy. The first four practice tests for the new SAT from Khan Academy are the same as those in The Official SAT Study Guide.


  • maximize their score on the SAT.
  • garner skills that can be not only be used on the SAT, but also on the ACT their regular education classes.
  • Students that take this course must be willing to put in a large amount of work on the side practicing SAT questions. Just by listening and following examples, you will NOT be sufficiently prepared to take the test. When you take the test, you will be doing a grueling marathon of questions in a timed environment, you need to prepare by putting in the hours of work that is required.

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Beat the SAT Math

Topic by topic questions and explanations with proven techniques to raise your score!

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Mourad Kattan
課程評價4.5 分(75 個評分)
學生人數761 人


“Beat the SAT Math” contains 15 sections, each covering an essential SAT Math topic.

Section 1: Algebraic Techniques

Section 2: Equation Solving

Section 3: Exponents

Section 4: Number Properties

Section 5: Angles

Section 6: Triangles

Section 7



  • Students taking the SAT exam


  • Master the SAT Math Section
  • Learn the techniques & tricks to beat the test

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New SAT 2020 | Video Solns to 580 Official Study Guide Math

I assume you know nothing! Learn quick & efficient ways to solve all 580 Math Questions in the Official SAT Study Guide

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課程老師Olu Sanya
課程評價4.3 分(95 個評分)
學生人數672 人


Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this SAT Prep course. The # 1 question I get from students in our SAT Prep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this SAT Prep course with that question in mind, In this course you w



  • This course is for the student who has started prepping for the Newly re-designed SAT Test but needs help on how best to START different types of SAT Math questions & strategies for solving them quickly


  • By the end of this course you will know how to breakdown and answer basic to advanced SAT Math questions for the New SAT 2020
  • In this course, you will learn to identify different Math topics and how to start, breakdown & solve each question for the New SAT 2020

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SAT & ACT Mastery: The complete prep course

Achieve the highest possible SAT & ACT scores with step-by-step lessons.

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課程老師Gain Access
課程評價4.3 分(75 個評分)
學生人數341 人


What You Will Learn

The most logical and time-efficient ways to handle every single section of the tests

Tips and techniques to avoid the traps that can mislead you

The most important content of both tests


This clear and complete cou



  • All students wanting to improve their SAT/ACT scores


  • Confidently take both the SAT and ACT with techniques and skills to achieve the score you want

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SAT Prep in 1 Minute Lessons plus NEW longer videos!

English: Reading, Sentence Completion, Vocabulary, Spelling, Math: Algebra, Numbers, Functions; Bonus – Study Skills!

點擊前往 Udemy

課程老師Marc Hoberman
課程評價4.7 分(75 個評分)
學生人數300 人


SAT Prep Reading, English/Grammar & Math in One Minute Lessons.

This course was developed to teach students “Quick hit” strategies to assist in retention and recall. Using simple tactics like quick drills and acronyms, Marc Hoberman’s One Minute Edu



  • THIS course is designed for serious students who can study quickly yet efficiently at their own pace to learn proven Strategies to improve their scores.


  • Use strategies and “tricks” that will help them focus on faster and easier ways to locate correct responses.
  • Learn how to eliminate incorrect responses and “distractor” choices.

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